quinta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2017

What is the purpose of the American bases in northern Syria?

Al-Udeid, a base militar dos EUA no Qatar (foto de arquivo)

Turkish news agency Anadolu has published data on the location of US military bases on Syrian territory, revealing that they are all located in the north of the country. According to experts, these bases are intended to become a new American stronghold in the region and should replace the Turkish base of Incirlik.

"This is an assault on Syria's sovereignty. The United States continues to follow its aggressive policy on Syrian soil," said Syria MP Nabil Taama, explaining that in this way the Americans seek to create a counterbalance to Russia's presence in the country and give a The formation of the independent Kurdish state.

According to the deputy, the US is seeking to expand its presence in Syria, with the goal of reaching and overcoming Russia in this regard. But it is worth noting that Russia, unlike the US, acts in accordance with the agreements reached with the Syrian authorities.

Syrian expert on military strategies, Brigadier General Mohammed Isa, points out that "the US presence in Syria has no legitimate reasons." The Daesh (terrorist organization banned in Russia), other terrorist groups and the so-called Syrian opposition are guided by the Americans, which is totally different from the activities of Russia, concluded the general.

According to Anadolu, two US bases have been operating since 2015, one in the Rmeilan region and another in Al-Hasakah province. In addition, in March 2016 a base was opened in the Harab Isk region (Ain al-Arab city), where helicopters are operated and serves as a stopover point for the route of supplying military cargo to Syrian Kurds.

In addition, three more bases were mentioned in the province of Al-Hasakah and three in the north of the province of Raqqa, where two of them are installed both American and French. The third base is used to supply military equipment to the Kurds.

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