sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

Who invented the curfew?

It was Alfred the Great, king of Wessex (one of the kingdoms that gave birth to England), in 872.

He created the cur feu - "cover the fire" in French, the period of the night when public lighting was erased to prevent the flames of the lamps burning the city of Oxford.

In 1068, William the Conqueror, the first king of England, enacted a national law of recollection. In the 16th century, in Europe and the US, there were curfews for workers and slaves.

After the Industrial Revolution the practice gained other reasons: with the parents in the stop, the children were idle and one of the justifications for the recollection was to prevent juvenile offenses.

In places at war or disaster victims, the measure is used to avoid chaos.

Source: Juvenile Crime and Justice, by William J. Chambliss and The Social History of the American Family: An Encyclopedia, edited by Marilyn J. Coleman and Lawrence H. Ganong.

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