sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

Why do clocks always mark 10h10 in ads?

Because distributing the hands in this way gives the impression that the watch is smiling - and this is supposed to help with the sales of the product.

  In addition, by dialing 10:10, the hands form a frame, leading the consumer's gaze to the mark, usually at the top of the display.

One of the first manufacturers to stamp a watch advertisement marking this time was the American Hamilton Watch in 1926. Then Rolex adopted the idea, which turned out to be one of the biggest clichés of the advertisement.

Apple broke the 10h10 standard and always shows 9:41 PM in the announcement of its products. Do you know why? Because at the launch of new iPhones, iPads and notebooks they appear on the big screen 40 minutes after the presentation starts at 9am. So everyone is setting the right time.

SOURCES Business Insider Magazines and Websites Watches & Clocks and SecretLa

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