quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

US always bully Google and Apple to access devices

iPhone rodando o app do Google Maps

San Francisco - The American Civil entity Liberties Union (ACLU) said on Wednesday it has identified 63 cases in the United States where the federal government sought court orders to force Apple or Google to help you access devices seized in investigations.

The cases arose predominantly drug on investigations, said the ACLU, adding that the data indicate that such government requests have become "quite common".

Representatives of the Department of Justice and Apple declined to comment. A Google spokesman of Alphabet unit, declined to say how often had cooperated with requests or warrants based on the All Writs Act, or the frequency in which had contested.

The US Department of Justice revealed previously that Apple received 70 court orders requiring the company to provide assistance since 2008, the company met with no objection.

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