quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

You want to get no sleep, no sleep? Take tea and coffee - together

Caffeine is not the only psychoactive stimulant present in the drinks. If you mix some of them, you can become more awake and focused

homem cansado com várias xícaras de café e chá

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage in Brazil, second only to water. The drink is present in 98% of homes and the estimate is that Brazilians take 81 liters of coffee per year, according to data from ABIC. It is as if we drank four gallons of 20 liters or 337.5 cups of coffee in twelve months. While the annual tea consumption is 3000 tons, the coffee is only 1.23 million tons. It is eager to stay awake.

People tend to find that caffeine is the only stimulant present in beverages. But this is not true: tea, soft drinks and even hot chocolate contains other psychoactive compounds to leave you pillaged.

Although caffeine is the most effective, a study from Northumbria University in England, proved that if we take tea and coffee together, the warning effect is potentiated.

Crystal Haskell-Ramsay researcher has shown that people who mixed large doses of tea and coffee were more awake than those who took the drinks separately - they also had faster reaction times, improved storage capacity and concentration.

But attention! The effect occurs only with large doses drink. In the experiment, who took the equivalent of a cup was not connected: the theanine found in tea has outgrown the caffeine and left the second quiet and relaxed group.

This amino acid found in teas derived from Camellia sinensis, as green tea, white and black, is curiously the same substance that enhances the coffee - when taken in generous amounts. The theanine acts directly on the central nervous system and helps to improve the quality of sleep, anxiety control, assists in focusing and also acts as relaxing.

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