domingo, 31 de julho de 2016

As Trump became the 'Putin agent'

The US Democratic Party has found a new slogan for his campaign: "Trump is Putin agent." However, for now, this motto has only given more force to the Republican candidate's campaign. In recent days, the eccentric billionaire first took the lead in the polls over former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.

The scandal of the leak of 19,000 e-mails exchanged by the party chairman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and six other leaders broke out on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in which Clinton was officially presented as a presidential candidate. It turned out (and had already suspected) explicit evidence that the party machine had been used by the State to former secretary to favor over rival Bernie Sanders in the primary. Accused of abuse of "administrative resource," Schultz resigned even before the convention.

And now, as the "patriots" Russians always put the blame for all the ubiquitous US State Department, the US Democrats want to turn the internal failure of the party in an electoral advantage, saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin, was behind the hackers who broke into private correspondence - hackers, that is, the FSB or the GRU, the main intelligence agency. This theory is being analyzed by the FBI and important members of the Obama administration.

'Everything is possible'

Journalists Circle US Secretary of State, John Kerry, made inquiries trenchant on the subject to the Minister of Russian Foreign Sergei Lavrov during talks between the two in Laos, on the 26th.

Obama also was one step closer to officially accuse Moscow. "Everything is possible," said the US president, when asked by an NBC reporter if Russia could have influenced the US elections to favor Trump. "And I think Trump has a very favorable coverage here in Russia," he added.

It turns out that one of the main goals of the US election campaign, judging by this logic, is to elect a president who does not like Putin. As the United States did not have to face major problems.

Not even the former NSA agent, Edward Snowden, who denounced a US mass surveillance program could not be silent on his political asylum in Russia. He reminded everyone that the National Security Agency and the CIA have a program called xkeyscore, which was launched in 2013 to help determine the place of a hacker attack origin. When North Korea was accused of breaking into Sony's website, in 2014, the xkeyscore was instrumental in the investigation. Currently, however, the US administration is limited to references or directs the charges to private companies specialized in cybersecurity.


Whatever the case, the use of such a strange weapon - basically "dirty laundry that washes at home" - against Trump may have unexpected effects for Democrats.

First, experienced political analysts know that "negative campaign" in excess and slander can backfire: who is painted as the devil by his opponents, sooner or later begin to earn points. One can not spot a person in such a blatant manner.

Moreover, as the Republican ideologue Patrick Buchanan responded to accusations from Democrats, the United States was "the first" to interfere in the policies of other countries using NGOs (whose performances were restricted in Russia, China and recently in Israel) and other spying methods and internet surveillance.

Buchanan also insists that if Russia illegally invaded emails from Democrats, then the country should receive a Pulitzer Prize journalism - by revealing methods of dirty manipulation and subversion of honest elections.

That's what "The New York Times" made in the 1970s when he published secret documents of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations on preparations for the Vietnam War, revealing dirty methods and provocations. It was for these publications that the newspaper received the Pulitzer Prize in 1971. "Why not assign it to Putin now?" Buchanan said sarcastically.

To some extent, I agree with him. But the fact is that more than 19,000 e-mail the Democratic Party that Wikileaks released show that Hillary did not win the primary honestly. And Trump has nothing to do with it. Neither Putin.

Georgui Bovt is member of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy.

Бразилия побеждает старейший в мире конкурс балета

Большой формируется Бразилии, Аманда Гомес, 21, в настоящее время солист Казанского театра оперы. Goiana танцор был включен в Forbes рейтинге в прошлом году.

На награды, бразильский конкурировал с 140 другими танцорами

Бразильский танцор Аманда Gomes, нынешний солист театра оперы Казани, России, выиграл в четверг (28) балетного конкурса Варна International, один из самых престижных и традиционном мире танцевальных конкурсов в Болгарии.

Родился в Гойании, Аманда переехала в Джоинвилл в 2004 году, чтобы начать исследования с телом Школы Большого театра в Бразилии. После окончания, он присоединился к компании. Молодой Большого театра в течение двух лет.

"В это время мы чувствуем комфорт, ее решимость, всеми усилиями, пожертвовав расстояния, и все препятствия, с которыми он столкнулся, чтобы попасть туда," сказала мать, Поляне Гомеш в Бразилии, после объявления приза.

В конкурсе, состоящий из трех этапов - от репертуара балета, классического балета и современного танца - Аманда конкурировал с 140 другими танцорами.

В дополнение к золотой медали, в bailaria участие в составе наград, гала-презентации вместе с другими победителями конкурса, и будет составлять галерею фотографий прошлых лауреатов премии, как и Екатерина Максимова (1964), Ева Евдокимова (1970) и Иван Васильев (2006).

Первое издание конкурса Варна Международного балетного, который состоялся в 1964 году и с тех пор конкурс проводится в Варне, Болгария, каждые два года.

Балерина Аманда Gomes был включен в список 30 основных моментов Бразилии ниже 30 лет, выпущенный в феврале 2015 года рейтинг выделены профили, которые переформулируем и работать с мотивацией в своих рабочих местах, и был отмечен присутствием актеров и Чая Suede Марина Руй Барбоза, и серфер Габриэль Медина, среди других.

Mateus Solano solta o verbo: ‘Acho que uma igreja deve disseminar amor’

Mateus Solano

Sucesso como o vilão Rubião na novela Liberdade LiberdadeMateus Solano soltou o verbo e falou tudo em entrevista ao jornal O Dia. O ator contou que está muito feliz com a repercussão do personagem, mesmo com os inúmeros xingamentos que recebe na rua.
”São xingamentos com muito carinho. Acredito que há um tempo, quando as pessoas não sabiam tanto da vida da gente, existia uma separação um pouco maior, um pouco inocente de boa parte do público de televisão de não separar o ator do personagem, mas acho que hoje isso tende a ser diferente”, disse.
Aproveitando o sucesso da novela, Mateus ainda comentou a polêmica cena de sexo gay entre os personagens dos atores Caio Blat e Ricardo Pereira, criticando a postura de algumas igrejas que propuseram um boicote à trama.
”Eu acho que uma igreja, uma religião deve disseminar amor. E acho que o ser humano tem mais é que ir pra frente. Eu curto muito tradições, rituais, mas acho que a gente precisa andar para a frente. O afeto das pessoas deve ser respeitado”, ponderou.
Após a novela, o ator vai tirar um tempo para ficar com a esposa, Paula Braun, e os filhos Flora, de 5 anos, e Benjamin, de 1 ano. Ainda não se sabe o próximo trabalho do ator na Globo, um dos mais disputados pela direção e autores da emissora.

Benjamin real Button: With rare condition, 4-year-old has the appearance of an elderly

J. K. Rowling says goodbye to Harry Potter Child Cursed

A autora J.K. Rowling

London - Harry Potter cast his last spell, said J. K. Rowling, his creator, the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Children" on Saturday in London.

Asked if the theatrical production and script, advertised as the eighth part of the Harry Potter series, heralds a new phase of stories, Rowling said.. "No He goes through a long journey during these two parts and, yes, I think finished. This is the next generation, you know. So I'm very happy to see it done, but not, Harry is over. "the British writer said it was not a difficult decision to put his creation on stage, thanks to the vision of producer Sonia Friedman for the show.

"(He) sounded perfectly with the material I had on the next generation and could see that work perfectly. I never wanted to write another story, but this will give the fans something special."

Papież mówi młodym ludziom, aby "Pobierz", dobre serce

Papa Francisco acena quando chega na Praça de São Pedro, dia 16/12/2015

Kraków - Franciszek zakończył wizytę w Polsce z dużym odkrytym Mszy, gdzie powiedziano nam, że młodzi ludzie, aby spojrzeć poza natychmiastowej gratyfikacji oferowanej przez technologię i starają się zmienić świat.

Zapowiedział, że następny Światowy Dzień Młodzieży Kościoła katolickiego odbędzie się w Panamie w 2019 setki tysięcy młodych ludzi, z których wielu rozbili na noc, pomachał flagi narodowe i macha do Franciszka, kiedy przybył na mszę w dużym polu na obrzeżach Kraków w niedzielę po zakończeniu jego pięciodniowej wizyty w Polsce, gdzie przewodniczył uroczystości Światowego dnia Młodzieży Kościoła katolickiego.

Francisco, 79, który powiedział, że był to "katastrofa" z technologią zawartą w kazaniu ostatniego ważnego wydarzenia wyprawy kilku względem technologii i social media. Wezwał młodych ludzi, aby "ściągnąć najlepsze" link "wszystkim, serce, które widzi i transmituje dobroć bez zmęczenia."

Powiedział, że reakcje młodych ludzi do wyzwań życia nie może być "pisząc kilka słów", że modlitwy powinny być umieszczone w widocznym miejscu na "czatach" w Internecie, a pamięć o Bogu nie jest "twardy" pełne akta wszystkich, ale bardziej współczujące serce, które chce im pomóc "delete" zła.

Franciszek zachęcał ich, aby kontynuować bycie "marzyciele (WHO) wierzą w nowej ludzkości, którzy odrzucają nienawiść wśród ludzi, którzy odrzucają patrz granice barier".

Em SP, manifestantes chegam a escritório político de Temer

Presidente interino Michel Temer durante cerimônia no Palácio do Planalto, em Brasília

São Paulo -- Aos gritos de "fora golpista", manifestantes do ato organizado pela Frente Povo Sem Medo passam em frente ao escritório político do presidente em exercício, Michel Temer, localizado na avenida Antonio Batuira, no bairro do Alto de Pinheiros, em São Paulo. Até o momento não foi registrado incidente. 
manifestação já toma toda a Praça Panamericana, uma das mais importantes do bairro, onde o carro de som foi estacionado.

Luiza Erundina afirma que soberania popular está em risco

Luiza Erundina, do PSB

São Paulo -- Ao discursar no Largo da Batata, durante ato pelo "Fora Temer" que acontece neste domingo, 31, a deputada Luiza Erundina disse que a soberania popular esta em risco com a abertura do processo de impeachment.
"Aqueles que lutaram por décadas para resgatar o direito à soberania popular, que está sendo ameaçado, afrontado, golpeado por alguém que usufruiu seus anos de um governo eleito democraticamente pelo povo", afirmou.
Segundo a deputada, pré-candidata à prefeitura de São Paulo pelo PSOL, o presidente em exercício, Michel Temer, está no cargo de forma ilegítima. "Ele agora se senta na cadeira do povo de forma ilegítima e inconstitucional. Isso é inaceitável. Vamos até as últimas consequências em defesa da democracia", disse.

Hillary Clinton says Trump encourages segregation in society

Pré-candidata democrata Hillary Clinton, dia 02/06/2016

Cleveland - The candidate of the Democratic Party to the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was critical to his opponent, Donald Trump, the Republican Party, for questioning the behavior of the parents of a Muslim captain of the US army, who made a tribute the child during the convention of the Democratic party. Clinton said that Trump does not understand American values ​​and encourages segregation in society.

At the Democratic convention, which ended on July 28 in Philadelphia, the father of the captain of the army Humayun Khan, the lawyer Khizr Khan, paid tribute to his son, killed in Iraq by a car bomb in 2004. In an emotional speech, Khan whose family is Muslim, he said that if it were up to Trump, his son could never have served the United States and accused the republican never have made sacrifices for their country.

In response, Trump questioned the stance of Khan's wife, Ghazala, who was silent during the speech of her husband. "If you look at him to wife, she was just standing there. She had nothing to say. She might not have permission to say anything," Trump said in an interview with TV show "This Week" on ABC.

In its extensive statement on the Khan family, Clinton expressed his concerns about the Republican candidate's character, saying he returned the sacrifices of Khan with "nothing but insults" and "degrading comments about Muslims."

"I really am afraid of people who would use other people as scapegoats, that would insult people because of their religion, their ethnicity or their shortcomings," Clinton said members of a parish in a church in Cleveland on Sunday. "It was not how I was raised," he added.

Trump once again defended his criticism and claimed in his official Twitter account that was "violently attacked" by Khizer Khan in his speech. "I'm not allowed to answer? Hillary voted for the war in Iraq, not me!" Exclaimed the social network.

New York newspaper publishes wife photos of naked Trump

Melania Trump, esposa de Donald Trump, em convenção nacional republicana nos EUA

New York - The American newspaper "New York Post" reproduced on the cover of its Sunday edition nude photos of Melania Trump, wife of the Republican candidate for president of the United States, Donald Trump, which were first published by a French magazine in the 1990s .

The images, some of them unpublished, were taken during a photo shoot in Manhattan in 1995, and were published by the French magazine "Max," the "New York Post".

"They were pictures for a European magazine before I met her. And, in Europe, this type of photo was fashionable and was common," Trump said in an interview with New York.

The wife of Trump, who at the time was 25 and was known by his professional name, Melania K, posed for the French photographer Alé Basse-ville.

"Melania was great, had a great personality and was very kind to me," said the photographer to New York newspaper.

The session took place shortly after Melania had reached the city in 1995, where three years later he met Trump at a party during Fashion Week in New York.

"Melania was then one of the most successful models and made many photo sessions, including covers of major magazines," said Trump.

After several years of dating, the real estate mogul and Slovenian former model, 46, they were married in 2005, in a ceremony in Palm Beach (Florida).


Yuriko Koike, ministra da Defesa do Japão, dia 04/10/2014

東京、7月31日 - として知られる「ヒラリー日本語クリントン、「小池百合子は、日本の政治のベテランで、現在は2020年のオリンピックのための日本の資本を準備する作業に、日曜日に東京の知事最初の女性となりました。



経済分野での生態学者、民族主義と自由主義は、彼女は二回大臣でした。 2003年から2006年に小泉純一郎、彼の指導者、主要な政治的支持の政府の間に、環境のフォルダを率います。 2007年には、現在の安倍晋三首相の簡単な最初の政府の間に防衛省の先頭に最初の女性と命名されたマイルストーンを成功しましたが、54日後に辞任しました。


「日本社会が直面しているの停滞を打破するために、私はヒラリーは、用語「ガラスの天井」を使用しています。国も候補になることができると信じているが、日本では、それはガラスではなく、鋼板がある、 "と彼は説明しました日本の政治における女性の些細な表現に関連して、あなたのアプリケーションを提出します。


彼の政治の忍耐力と強い女性であることの事実は彼にそれを比較するのが好きれたニックネームは "ヒラリークリントン日本の「数字を獲得しました。これまで上院議員PLD保守的であるにもかかわらず、彼は彼のライバルとも元大臣博也Massoudaに行き、彼の強力なパーティのサポートなしで自分自身を提示することを決めました。

「政党や組織が次の知事になります誰が決定するものではありません "と、彼はキャンペーン期間中に何度か述べました。






sábado, 30 de julho de 2016

JetBlue announces first scheduled flights between the US and Cuba since 1963

               A aérea JetBlue sai na frente de concorrentes como Silver Airways e American Airlines

The airline JetBlue, US, announced on Thursday (28) will operate from next August 31, the first commercial route between the US and Cuba since 1963, particularly among the airports in Fort Lauderdale Saint Clara.

JetBlue, based in New York, comes out ahead of competitors like Silver Airways and American Airlines, which will operate trade routes to many destinations in Cuba only from September.

The US Department of Transportation granted in June licenses to operate regular routes between five US cities and nine Cuban destinations, not including Havana, the first since they were suspended for 53 years.

In early July, the US government also authorized commercial flights to Havana.

JetBlue will offer three weekly flights between Fort Lauderdale and Santa Clara that from October 1, will become a daily route.

The airline will also open daily routes between Fort Lauderdale and Camagüey, from November 3, and between Fort Lauderdale and Holguín, starting with the operation on 10 November.

American Airlines, in turn, will operate two routes between Miami and the airports of Cienfuegos and Holguin from September 7, another two to Camagüey and Santa Clara get two two later, and more to Varadero, starting on September 11th.

Already Silver Airways will fly between Fort Lauderdale and Santa Clara from September 1.

In the statement, JetBlue also said that "soon" announce routes heading to Havana.


O japonês que confessou ter assassinado 19 pessoas em um centro para deficientes mentais sorriu ao ser fotografado pela imprensa























Brazilian drug dealer turns cell in luxury suite in Paraguay

Three bedrooms, plasma TV and even a library with a collection of DVD series on the Colombian Pablo Escobar. The Brazilian drug trafficker Jarvis Chimenes Peacock lived in luxury in Tacumbú prison in Asunción, one of the most crowded of Paraguay.

The discovery of a plastic explosive bomb in the penitentiary wall on Tuesday night not only revealed that the artifact would be used supposedly for a cinematic escape, but Chimenes Peacock lived since 2009 in a cell with all the amenities, protected by complicity purchased from senior officials.

Three suites, a comfortable bed, covered with blankets, and even a library where, among the various works, highlights the full range of "Pablo Escobar", served as the luxurious hostel for the Brazilian, convicted of money laundering and sought in Brazil for drug trafficking, he noted the AFP on guided tour of judicial authorities.

"We will demolish the cell Chimenes Peacock and we will take action against officers who allowed the privileges for this doomed," said the new Minister of Justice, Ever Martinez, who took last Thursday against the dismissal by the scandal of the minister Carla Bacigalupo.

The very Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes, was in charge to dismiss the minister.

Within the Tacumbú prison, many inmates complained that his famous colleague, a resident of "VIP cell", as known, had been transferred after revealed the privileges of his arrest.

"I do not know what will become of us without him," said one of the prisoners who declined to be identified stating that Chimenes Peacock was generous and gave money to fix up the soccer field and the prison chapel, in addition to paying for their safety within from jail.

Josieux, a Brazilian arrested, admitted that within the prison "live in the misery" out of the flag Chimenes Peacock. In Tacumbú there are 3,500 inmates, twice its capacity.

everyone knew

The lawyer Monger, Laura Acasuso, said several ministers of justice and Tacumbú former directors were aware of Chimenes privileges Peacock and other prominent prisoners.

"Six or seven Ministers of Justice and six or seven officers know their contributions," said Acasuso.

Antonio González, one of the prisoners Peacock Pavilion, admitted that the prisoner was "the most wanted man in prison."

Regarded as one of the most dangerous drug traffickers in the region and heir, once mighty, Fernandinho Beira-Mar, which is in a maximum security prison in Brazil, Chimenes Peacock was charged as the alleged mastermind of the crime, in June, a prominent businessman Jorge Rafaat, on the border with Brazil.

"He (Chimenes Peacock) never said it was holy, but fulfilled the punishment that was imposed by justice and collaborated with cash generating lawfully through their companies," defended Acasuso.

According to the lawyer, the dealer "has 1,200 people employed in their companies." Acasuso came with the journalists during recognition of his luxury suite in prison.

The lawyer revealed that Chimenes Peacock, among other contributions, helped in the construction of dormitories for the officers, private bathroom for employees, improvements in the library, in the visits hall and up the daily diet of 80 inmates, including the wages of cooks.

He also said that the dealer was still making donations from prison and financing works for poor neighborhoods in different parts of Paraguay.

According to drug experts from Paraguay, northeastern land border - where Peacock based his fortress - it is the bridge of cocaine and marijuana trafficking to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

A "king" in misery

As in many prisons in Latin America, Tacumbú are prisoners who, because of the large amount of people sleep on the floor, hungry, cold and riots are the order of the day. But Chimenes Peacock paid for his safety.

According revealed some prisoners, care for him was a privilege, both for selected inmates to do so, as for prison guards.

A former prisoner, Osvaldo Arias engineer, assured, speaking to television, the VIP pavilion Brazilian was agreed upon payment of $ 5,000, plus a weekly fee of $ 600.

These payments were entitled to visits at any time of girlfriends, family and friends, and the use of cell phones and all the internet technology.

In the foreign flag of the hell are privileged prisoners who, without mattresses, "sleep on newspapers or cardboard," denounced Judge Ana María Llanes, who participated in the visit to the press.

In June "two prisoners died of hunger and cold," said a Brazilian prisoner who identified himself as Josieu. Six other internal died because of a fire.

"It's a shame what they do with it," said another prisoner, an economist convicted of the theft of a carrier. "It has a political background," he protested.

Diez años sin Fidel en el poder: Cuba consolida reformas y enfoques de EE.UU.

Figura histórica do regime de havana, Fidel completa amanhã uma década longe do poder
figura histórica del régimen de La Habana, Fidel mañana llena de una década fuera del poder

Diez años después de que Fidel Castro ha sido retirado del poder, Cuba dio un giro sustancial: sin perder sus ideales revolucionarios y la estructura comunista, el país se embarcó en una serie de ambiciosas reformas económicas y reconciliarse con su historia enemigo, Estados Unidos.

figura histórica del régimen de La Habana, Fidel mañana llena de una década fuera del poder. El 31 de julio de 2006, la estación de televisión oficial cubana anunció que el líder de la Revolución delegó temporalmente a los jefes de estado a su hermano Raúl Castro después de someterse a una cirugía complicada.

Después de dos años de rumores y la especulación en el que la salud de Fidel ha sido un gobierno secreto, Raul fue formalmente nombrado presidente del Consejo de Estado en febrero de 2008. Un mes después de su llegada al poder, comenzaron las primeras reformas económicas.

Era un reemplazo sin problemas y el trauma que terminó de consolidar en 2011, con la elección del menor de los Castro como Primer Secretario del Partido Comunista.

Desde entonces, Raul, arquitecto de la "actualización socialista" puso en marcha una serie de reformas ambiciosas - demasiado lento para muchos - como sectores apertura a la iniciativa privada, mayores facilidades a las restricciones de inversión extranjera y final que afectaban a los cubanos por décadas, como los viajes al extranjero o la compra y venta de vehículos y viviendas.

En la Cuba de hoy, alrededor de 500.000 personas son "cuentapropistas", una nueva clase de empresarios, microempresarios y trabajadores por cuenta propia que hayan cambiado el panorama económico del país con miles de pequeños negocios como restaurantes, cafeterías, hoteles, gimnasios y salones de belleza .

La vida de la cubana en el período experimentó un cambio importante en la reforma de inmigración de 2013, que permitió a miles de isleños salen del país y, en muchos casos, la reconstrucción de las familias hasta entonces fragmentados por años de exilio.

La asociación que ayuda a las personas mayores a tomar los homosexuales en Argentina

Mientras se mantiene una relación con una mujer durante más de dos décadas, el psicólogo argentina Susana Blois, de 71 años, cree que sólo recientemente se logró "salir".

"Somos nuestros propios verdugos homofóbico por el miedo, pensando que no nos van a entender, ellos nos echan la culpa", dice ella, que dice hoy sentirse "más tranquila" consigo misma.

Blois atribuye este cambio en su vida a un mayor contacto con los hombres homosexuales de su generación, posible gracias a una asociación que ayuda a los argentinos mayores de aceptar y, si lo desean, toman su orientación sexual en la sociedad.

"Tengo que ocultar para mí, como si estuviera haciendo algo mal o cometer un pecado. Hoy vivo mejor con mí y los que me rodean."

Creado hace seis años para ofrecer ayuda psicológica, actividades culturales y la integración de los homosexuales que han pasado la edad de 65 años, el centro era una idea fue la creación de la pareja de Graciela Balestra y Silvina Tealdi, que se percató de un hueco en el apoyo de estos miembros de la comunidad LGBT .

"Nos dimos cuenta de que los lugares 'rectas' siempre había alguien que busca un marido o una esposa a la persona que no estaba interesado. Observamos que faltaba este lugar de encuentro para las personas mayores de los homosexuales", dice Graciela.

Situado en una casa en el barrio de Almagro, en Buenos Aires, el Centro de Jubilados y Pensionistas Lesbiana-Gay Argentina - antes conocida como "Puerta Abierta a la Diversidad" (Puerta Abierta a la Diversidad) - promueve talleres de teatro, gimnasia y fiestas en su propia pista de baile.

En los grupos focales, las personas como Susana comparten experiencias de vida y las historias de los prejuicios.

"Es un lugar que la gente hable sin temor Aquí, muchos de ellos con más de 70 años dijo que la primera vez en voz alta. 'Soy gay'", dice Graciela.
Ella misma tiene una historia de aceptación.

"Siempre estaba enfermo, sofocado por no ser capaz de decir lo que sentía. Así que decidí dejar de fingir", dice acerca de cómo, a los 36 años y con dos hijas, decidió abandonar a su marido después de diez años de matrimonio.

Los niños, dice Graciela, fueron los primeros en saber de su amor por Tealdi. Y aceptado así: en el Día de la Madre, comprado esto para ambos, con los que conviven.

El ingeniero se convirtió en un psicólogo y desde entonces ayudar a los demás para hacer frente a sus miedos. "Siempre digo que la verdad es mejor que una mentira."


Todo estaba represión "

Pero el caso de Susana refleja un sufrimiento común a muchas personas que conoció en el centro.

Madre de dos hijos y abuela de tres nietos, dice que desde muy joven se siente atraída por las mujeres.

"Pero el rigor de la sociedad me llevó a ocultar mis sentimientos. Incluso se casó, pero cuando mis hijos llegaron a la adolescencia enamoré de una mujer y me separé de mi marido", dice ella.

Con gestos de voz suave y apacible, que informa de que, después de haber trabajado durante años en una clínica que atiende a niños con discapacidades, podría enseñar a los niños que "diferente" es parte de la vida, y debe ser tratado con respeto.

"Así que no era tan difícil de aceptar. Nunca me reprocharon."

Pero al principio, recuerda, se complicó aún la auto-aceptación.

"Yo tenía 36 años cuando se enamoró de una mujer. En ese momento, lloré sola y se preguntan por qué me pasó a mí. Yo le echo la culpa. En ese momento, no había libertad del día y estaba dictadura en Argentina. Fue la represión ".

Susana se ve hoy más libre, para poder hablar de su orientación sexual e introducir su novia a sus amigos del grupo de reflexión.

"Unirse al grupo, especialmente las reuniones de reflexión, me ayudó a mostrarme o, como se suele decir, a 'salir'," una sonrisa.

En el grupo, Susan aprendió a trabajar el "boicot interno". Ella dice que el aprendizaje, comenzó hace cuatro años, era esencial para ganar confianza para presentar masajista Nora, de 60 años, la segunda mujer que se enamoró, como su compañero.

Para ella, el hecho de que Argentina tiene una ley que permite el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo desde 2010 - fue el primer país de América Latina en adoptar la ley - contribuyó a una mayor aceptación, especialmente en las grandes ciudades.

Se le preguntó sobre los consejos que serían, como psicólogo, las personas que pasan por los mismos retos, dijo:

"Empezar a pensar primero es que el miedo tiene sentido si no es una opresión interna, y no a la inversa, que puede estar dispuesto a escuchar. Empieza a pensar que este miedo puede estar impidiendo que ser feliz."

Bóg dotyka serca terrorystów "pyta papież Francisco

Francisco Papież zaapelował w sobotę (30), że Bóg "poruszyły serca terrorystów" w wyraźnym odniesieniem do serii ataków, które miało miejsce w lipcu, ostatniego przed kościołem we Francji, w której ksiądz katolicki został ścięty.

"Dotknij serca terrorystów rozpoznać zło ich działania i chodzić do życia pokoju i dobroci, szacunku dla życia, godności każdej osoby, bez względu na wyznanie, pochodzenie, bogactwo czy ubóstwo" Papież napisał w notatce modlitewnej lewo na Kościół franciszkanów w Krakowie.

Panie, modlimy się do Ciebie za tych, którzy zostali ranni w ostatnich latach nieludzkiej przemocy. Dzieci i młodzi, mężczyźni i kobiety, osoby starsze, niewinni ludzie uczestniczą tylko przez złego losu. "

Papież powiedział też, że ma nadzieję, że "rodzin dotkniętych przez wojny znaleźć siłę i odwagę, aby kontynuować jako siostry i braci do innych, zwłaszcza dla imigrantów". Wizyta w kościele San Francisco w Krakowie, nie przewidziano w programie Papieża, który jest na oficjalnej wycieczkę Polsce od ostatniej środy.

Na miejscu, że czczono relikwie dwóch męczenników, Zbigniew Strzałkowski i Michał Tomaszek, zabitych przez grupy partyzanckiej Świetlisty Szlak, 9 sierpnia 1991 roku w Peru, a beatyfikowany w 2015 roku.

Papież przeszedł przez kościół około 18 godzin przed wyruszeniem do lokalnej kampusu Misericordiae i świętować czuwanie modlitewne z młodzieżą biorących udział w Światowym Dniu Młodzieży (ŚDM) w Polsce.
Wojna w Syrii i terroryzmu
Podczas Wigilii Franciszek mówił znowu o wojnie w Syrii oraz akty terrorystyczne popełnione przez ekstremistycznych grup, takich jak państwa islamskiego. "Jesteśmy świadomi rzeczywistości. Dla nas dzisiaj, w różnych częściach świata, ae ból wojny doświadczane przez wielu młodych ludzi nie są już anonimowe rzeczą. To nie tylko doniesienia. Mają nazwisko, twarz, historia "Francisco powiedział, powołując jako przykład katolicki młody Rand, 26, który żył w Aleppo i został dotknięty przez lokalne wojny.

"Drodzy przyjaciele, zapraszam do wspólnej modlitwy za cierpienia tak wielu ofiar wojny, tak, że raz na zawsze, daj nam zrozumieć, że nic nie usprawiedliwia krew brata. To nie ma nic cenniejszego niż jednego mamy pod ręką" zapytał Francisco.

"Nie będziemy krzyczeć przeciwko sobie, a nie walczyć. Nie chcemy zniszczenia lub przezwyciężyć nienawiść więcej nienawiści, przemocy z więcej przemocy, terroru z większym przerażeniem. Naszą odpowiedzią na ten świat w stanie wojny nazywa braterstwo, społeczność, rodzina "powiedział.

Źródła watykańskie powiedział w sobotę, że papież spotka się z rodzinami ofiar masakry w Nicea, Francja. Widzowie znajdą się również członków drużyn ratowniczych, którzy pracowali tamtej nocy z 14 lipca na wakacje Bastille Day, kiedy Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, 31, przejechał 84 osób przy Promenadzie Anglików.

W tym tygodniu, dwóch mężczyzn, którzy twierdzili, że działają w imieniu państwa islamskiego szturmem również kościół we Francji i ubitych ksiądz Jacques Hamel, 86. Watykan zadbał, aby wykluczyć ideę wojny religijnej i zapobiec dalszym atakom. Stolica Apostolska a papież domagają się katolicy zjednoczyć wierzących innych religii, aby zwalczać przemoc.

Three reasons that can make Hillary Clinton losing the US election

First woman to compete in the White House for one of the two major parties of the country have against him, among other things, the fact that the electorate rarely gives three consecutive terms in the same party.

Hillary Clinton has already made history as the first woman to run for president of the United States by one of the two major parties of the country. On the other hand, it has at least three major obstacles to overcome for consecrating winning the US elections.


When the businessman Donald Trump candidate launched it last year, it was seen as a big joke. But Trump's campaign gained momentum, beat out all opponents in the Republican Party and especially attracted many fans who believe the main promise of the entrepreneur: "Make America great again."

Trump arrives packed to compete with Hillary that analysts do not have a message as clear and direct as the opponent. "Stronger together" motto of the Democratic campaign, has not stuck.

"People want to know what are the ideas of the candidates to move the country forward, but do not want to get lost in detail," says Doug Hattawat, senior adviser to the Clinton campaign in 2008 when she played the previous with Barack Obama.


The experience as a former senator and former US Secretary of State has strengths, but also attracts rejection. Hillary faces resistance from many people and is not unanimity, even among Democrats.

One of the most controversial points of Hillary's biography was his use of a private server to exchange e-mails with confidential assistants when he was head of government diplomacy Barack Obama, between 2009 and 2013.

Critics say her attitude put at risk the security of the country, since the private server was more vulnerable to hacker attacks. After examining the case, the FBI (the US federal police) said Clinton was "extremely unwise" but the agency did not suggest it was denounced in court. The candidate acknowledged the error and apologized.

Hillary is also criticized for his performance against the attack that killed four Americans - including Ambassador Chris Stevens - at the US consulate in Benghazi (Libya) in 2012. Opponents claim that it ignored warnings about the risk of attacks on the building.

The response from the State Department for the attack was criticized initially, the agency reported that the incident was partly motivated by the launch of an anti-Islam film, although the government itself had information that it was a "terrorist attack."

Hillary took responsibility for the incident, but said he never received any request to increase the safety of the unit in Benghazi.

For Antonio Villaraigosa, also a member of the Clinton campaign in 2008, the Democrats need an "extra dose of authenticity." "There is great dissatisfaction of the people with politicians in general and with the institutions. Therefore, it will be challenged to show that it is not a politician like any other.

"If you look at the research, she had high popularity when he was not running, but the numbers fell when he began to struggle," says Marjorie Margolies Hillary's daughter in law, which is close to the candidate and believes he has an explanation for this phenomenon: " she gives the impression of always being on the inside of the subject matter, and this causes discomfort in many people, especially among those who do not like women smartass. "


The alternation of power is one of the main features of the US political system. The same party can hardly win three consecutive elections. The last time it happened was in 1988 with the victory of the republished George Bush (1989-1993), replacing Ronald Regan (1981-1989).

Bush, however, was not re-elected. Who won the election in 1992 was Hillary's husband, Bill Clinton.

Mark Penn, one of Clinton's strategists in 2008, says that the outcome of US elections is set for about 20% of the electorate who remain without a favorite name to preside over the country.

The US future to Penn, but is the hands of those undecided. "Many people do not like any of the candidates, they will decide the elections."

US cemeteries saw leisure option with movies, music and even wine tasting

Público assiste a filme em telão em meio a lápides de cemitério dos EUA
Audience watches the movie screen amid tombstones US cemetery

yoga classes, book club, film screenings outdoor, night tours to explore monuments. The programming is similar to many parks this summer, but at the Congressional Cemetery, historic cemetery in Washington, the activities are carried out in the midst of famous politicians graves and heroes of the American Civil War.

Following a growing trend in cemeteries across the country, the Congressional Cemetery offers a diverse schedule of events, according to its president, Paul Williams, attract up to 45,000 people a year.

On Friday, the film session, called Cinematery exhibited the classic Singin 'in the Rain. Tuesday is a day of "Yoga Mortis", with classes led by yoga teacher Jessica Woodburn.

Every two months, a book club called Tombs and Tomes (Tombs and Tomes) meets in the chapel of the cemetery to discuss mainly works with macabre themes.

On Saturdays, there are guided tours, and the first Thursday of each month, a night walk. Admission, $ 10 (about US $ 32), is entitled to a glass of wine.

Every year in October, one of the main attractions is the Dead Man's Run, a 5-km race in which the participants, many of them costumed, cross the cemetery to music. The price of registration, $ 40 (about US $ 130), includes a shirt and a beer.

"We encourage people to visit our cemetery, walk around, read the headstones, have fun. No need to be a solemn and sad place," Williams told the BBC Brazil.

"Many forget that a hundred years ago or more, people used cemeteries as parks, where they spent the day, had picnics, met with friends, even if they had relatives buried at the site."

The Congressional Cemetery is part of a growing group of American cemeteries that offer more than burials and funeral ceremonies.

Hollywood Forever in Los Angeles, promotes cinema sessions since 2002, as well as concerts and other events.

Oakland (Atlanta), Green-Wood (Brooklyn, New York), Spring Grove (Cincinnati), Laurel Hill (Philadelphia) and Mountain Grove (Bridgeport) are other historical cemeteries that have attracted thousands visitors with cultural programming throughout the year.

In the Holy Sepulchre, in Hayward, California, there are tasting award-winning wines produced by vines planted in the graveyard.

"Particularly in large cities, where there are especially grand cemeteries, this kind of programming has increased over the last 10 or 15 years," he told BBC Brazil the history professor Keith Eggener architecture at the University of Oregon, author of a book on evolution of American cemeteries.

This transformation is driven mainly by the need to close the accounts at a time when the number of new burials is no longer sufficient to cover preservation costs, especially in the case of historic cemeteries.

"Many are already sold out, no longer have to raise funds with the space sale. They need to be creative to cover maintenance costs," says Williams, chairman of the Congressional Cemetery.

His career illustrates the challenge faced by historic cemeteries. Founded in 1807, the Congressional Cemetery holds the remains of 67,000 people, including famous figures as the first director of the FBI (US Federal Police), J. Edgar Hoover, Congress, Supreme Court justices and war veterans.

Despite the famous residents, however, with time the cemetery was entering decay.

"Twenty-five years ago, was almost completely abandoned, with grass at the shoulders, people living on site, drug use and prostitution," recalls Williams, who took over the presidency of the site in 2012.

Walking dogs
The transformation began in 1997, on the initiative of the community. Residents of the area that used to take their dogs for walks in the cemetery began to organize and raise money to cut the grass and other repairs.

The program has grown to include 750 dogs and a waiting list of up to three years. Participants pay annual fee of $ 225 (about R $ 739) plus $ 50 (R $ 164) per animal, so your dogs can wander freely through the cemetery.

In addition to the injection of approximately $ 210,000 (US $ 690,000) per year in the cemetery vaults, the presence of dogs and their owners is described as a "patrol" that helps keep the site free of vandals.

According to Williams, the dog-walking program and other activities sponsored by the Congressional Cemetery yield around US $ 400 thousand (R $ 1.3 million) a year, almost half of the annual budget of US $ 1 million (R $ 3 28 million).

In entando to Eggener, economic motivation is not the only explanation for the transformation of these cemeteries.

"I think it's also for pride, recognition of the historical value of these places and desire to keep them as a vital part of the community," he says.

Eggener notes that often cemeteries are the best land share in certain neighborhoods, which causes them to be used as parks, as occurred in the 19th century.

Another factor is what he considers a current culture of nostalgia and fascination with the past.

"People are returning to cemeteries," he says. "In the 19th century, there were not many leisure options, and people were proud and were very happy to be able to walk in cemeteries. Remember that it was a time before the emergence of public parks, museums and botanical gardens in the United States."

Activities included tours carriages, picnics and even hunting birds. "Over time, cemeteries associations now publish guides to guide visitors and also establish rules on the type of permitted activity," says Eggener.

The purpose of these rules, Eggener says, was to maintain a balance between attracting visitors and ensure a respect for the dead environment.

This remains a current concern. Last year, when the Congressional Cemetery began to show films, two readers protested in a letter to The Washington Post.

"We can not believe that anyone would promote the use of a cemetery for film projection. Have we lost all sense of decency and respect for our families and ancestors as to macular such a sacred place?" He questioned the letter.

However, according to Williams, "it is very rare that someone criticize any of our events." It adds that the schedule is planned by a team of six employees with care that is not offensive.

"If it were not for these events, our cemetery would not be as it is today, with the cut grass, the preserved monuments, a safe place," he says.

Williams points out that the cemetery is still active and some of the visitors end up being interested in acquiring lots to be buried there.

For Eggener, it is up to each community, including visitors, people with family buried and administrators decide how to use the cemeteries.

"There will always be someone unhappy with whatever the solution," he says.

Eggener notes that, when all family members have died, when it comes to the fourth or fifth generation, many tombs end up abandoned, since no one remembers who is buried there.

"We have these large slices of land, in the middle of large cities, falling into disrepair, often turning into dangerous places. So if you can find a way to keep these places, a way that is beneficial for the living, is positive "says Eggener.

"This is something we should keep in mind: in the end, the cemeteries are for the living and for the dead."

Lily Safra and Monaco royal award stars of "Hamilton" with $ 25,000

Lily Safra and Prince Albert: hosts the Princess Grace Awards 2016

Held since 1990, the Princess Grace Awards 2016 will honor the actor and singer Leslie Odom Jr., star of the Broadway musical "Hamilton", for which he took the Tony Award for best actor this year, and the dancer and choreographer Camille Brown . The event is organized by the Princess Grace Foundation, American entity created by the royal family of Monaco to honor the memory of Princess Grace Kelly, whose goal is to celebrate the US artists career.

Besides the award - a statuette made with Swarovski crystals - Leslie and Camille will also receive a check for $ 25,000 (US $ 81,800) each. Scheduled for October 24, this year's edition of the Princess Grace Awards will staged at the Cipriani restaurant in New York.

Brazilian billionaire Lily Safra, one of the largest donors to the Princess Grace Foundation, will be one of the night's host, along with Prince Albert and his wife, Princess Charlene.

O jantar de 90 anos de Beatriz Segall em São Paulo: “Estou mais viva que nunca”

                      Beatriz Segall

A noite dessa sexta-feira não começou como outra qualquer e o motivo foi dos mais nobres: o jantar de aniversário da atriz Beatriz Segall, que celebrou 90 anos ao lado de amigos e família no Jardim Guedala, em São Paulo. A homenagem foi orquestrada pelos três filhos de Beatriz, Sergio Segall, Mario Lasar Segall e Paulo Segall. Marcado para as 20 h, o jantar informal começou pontualmente e, entre os convidados, estava o ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, um dos primeiros a chegar. Posou para fotos sozinho e ao lado da aniversariante, tirou selfies e se instalou em uma antessala próxima à escada de entrada.

FHC passou recentemente por uma operação para colocar um marco-passo, o que ocasionou no cancelamento de compromissos pessoais e até na recusa do convite para a abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro. Porém, nada o impediu de tomar dois copos de whisky com gelo e se fartar das entradas servidas na noite – não dispensava uma quiche de queijo gruyère, mel e nozes sequer. Quem também marcou presença foi o atual Ministro das Relações Internacionais, José Serra, que entre uma foto e outra conversava ao pé do ouvido com Beatriz, e não deixava o celular em paz, fazendo e recebendo ligações durante toda a recepção. “Que noite linda, quantos amigos, não poderia deixar de estar aqui”, dizia aos familiares da anfitriã.
Com música ambiente e temperatura beirando os 11 graus, a noite foi regada a 48 garrafas de bebidas, sendo 24 do vinho tinto chileno Toro de Piedra e 24 de Cava Freixenet Negro. A lareira acessa aquecia os 100 convidados da noite e a parte externa da casa ganhou aquecedores e cobertura especial. Para começar, o Buffet Charlô servia canapés com minicaprese no palito, croquetinhos de carne com molho de mostarda, creme de mandioquinha e minicarpaccio de carne com parmesão. A ilha de entradas, toda montada com souplat e rechauds de cobre, mantinha à disposição caldos, pães e torradas, salada de grãos, brie quente com pistaches e mel, terrine de figo com presunto cru, polenta mole e tian de roastbeef ao pesto. Para o jantar, foi servido arroz de pato e ravioli de brie e pera ao molho de manteiga e amêndoas.
A aniversariante, por volta das 22 horas, estava cercada de amigos como Marcos Caruso, Celso Lafer e José Possi Neto em uma das poltronas da casa, bebericava água e manteve o tom da conversa no nível mais baixo. Para a sobremesa, escolheu cheesecake de frutas vermelhas, suflê de chocolate com creme inglês e frutas da estação – para os mais comedidos. O bolo de aniversário, que não poderia faltar, não passou despercebido: nozes com baba de moça. Não pedir uma segunda fatia era um crime. Pouco antes da meia-noite, a casa voltava ao normal e Beatriz, firme e forte, seguia afiada. “Estou mais viva que nunca, mais enérgica e disposta, não poderia estar mais feliz”, dizia. Uma noite memorável. Parabéns! (Por Matheus Evangelista)
cine beatriz

Com insuficiência renal, Gilberto Gil volta a ser internado em São Paulo

Credito Fernando Frazao /Agencia Brasil

O cantor e compositor baiano Gilberto Gil foi novamente internado no Hospital Sírio-Libanês, no centro de São Paulo, na manhã desta sexta-feira, 29. Segundo sua assessoria de imprensa, ele tem insuficiência renal e a internação será feita mensalmente para o tratamento contínuo.

Em maio, Gil agradeceu aos fãs em sua página no Instagram. "Gostaria de agradecer a todos pela preocupação, inúmeras ligações, e-mails e recados aqui nas redes. 
Como vocês sabem, no mês passado iniciei um check-up aqui em São Paulo, interrompi pra fazer minha maratona de shows com Caetano Veloso pela América Latina, Estados Unidos e Europa, e agora retornei ao hospital com Flora Gil para terminar o meu check-up. Obrigado por tanto carinho, espero em breve estar em casa", escreveu ele.

    Kristen Stewart is dating a 'ambitious', say friends of the Twilight actress

    She is Alicia Cargile. Kristen revealed in an interview with a British magazine that '' when I started going out with girls (...). I opened my life and I am much happier ''

                                    Alberto E. Rodriguez/AFP

    After several twists on the new love of Kristen Stewart, the actress herself confirmed that he is dating his ex-girlfriend, Alicia Cargile. Recently, the former Bella Swan of Twilight saga, was the target, especially the international press, which reported an alleged dating her and the French singer Soko. Soko dated former Kristen, Robert Pattinson. In an interview with Elle UK, Stewart said he was very passionate about new girlfriend. Also during the interview, without naming names, he alluded to Robert Pattinson, saying, "When I was dating a guy, was always hiding things." He added: '' When I started going out with girls, I thought: 'Hide it implies the idea that not accepted or I am ashamed.

    So I had to change the idea of ​​how it should approach the issue publicly. I opened my life and I am much happier. '' The new and official dating Kristen is just a ruse, say friends of the actress, since Alicia would be interested in 'use' Kristen. People close to Alicia said that she is very ambitious. Is elbow pain these 'friends'?

    Lula convoca militância a pressionar senadores contra impeachment pela internet

    São Paulo - Em evento organizado pela União da Juventude Socialista (UJS) na noite desta sexta-feira, 29, o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva convocou os jovens presentes a pressionar, pelas redes sociais, os senadores a votarem contra o impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff, em sessão prevista para o fim de agosto. "Vamos encher o saco deles", conclamou o petista.

    Para Lula, a maneira mais eficiente de convencer os senadores a votar contra o impeachment é recorrer ao que a história dirá sobre eles. "Vamos trabalhar com a ideia de que essa gente, por mais conservadora que seja, tenha orgulho próprio e não queira passar para a história como um vilão", afirmou o ex-presidente.

    Neste evento, o segundo de Lula em São Paulo nesta sexta-feira, Lula não comentou a denúncia contra ele aceita pela Justiça Federal do Distrito Federal. Com a decisão hoje do juiz federal Ricardo Leite, o ex-presidente virou réu e deverá responder pela tentativa de obstruir as investigações da operação Lava Jato.

    No entanto, o petista disse que, se tentam derrubá-lo para evitar uma candidatura sua em 2018, a esquerda tem a alternativa de apoiar outros nomes. "Por que não Fernando Haddad? Por que não Ciro Gomes?", cogitou.

    Michel Temer se diz "preparadíssimo" para vaias na abertura dos Jogos Rio 2016

    Caberá ao presidente em exercício Michel Temer fazer a fala protocolar de abertura dos Jogos

    Brasília - O presidente em exercício, Michel Temer, afirmou em uma entrevista exclusiva ao jornal Zero Hora que não se preocupa com possíveis vaias em sua participação como atual chefe de Estado na cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos, no próximo dia 5, no Rio de Janeiro. "Estou preparadíssimo para as vaias. No Maracanã (estádio onde será a cerimônia), como dizia o Nelson Rodrigues, se vaia até minuto de silêncio. Estou preparadíssimo, não tenho a menor dúvida disso. E tenho de cumprir esse dever institucional", afirmou.

    Na entrevista, Temer comentou ainda sobre a ausência da presidente afastada, Dilma Rousseff, que decidiu não "ficar em posição secundária", e do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, que afirmou não ver clima político para a sua participação. "Eu soube que os ex-presidentes nem vão. A brincadeira é que eles estão reservando as vaias só para o presidente", disse Temer.

    Caberá a Temer como presidente em exercício fazer a fala protocolar de abertura dos Jogos. Segundo interlocutores, Temer vai se ater ao discurso já pré-formatado pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI). Amanhã, o presidente em exercício irá ao Rio de Janeiro para a inauguração da linha 4 do metrô e depois deve fazer uma visita de cortesia ao governador licenciado, Luiz Fernando Pezão, que está em tratamento contra um câncer. Temer chegou a cogitar a possibilidade de participar de uma cerimônia de recepção aos atletas brasileiros no domingo, mas a decisão de momento é que ele não irá.

    Na entrevista ao jornal gaúcho, o presidente em exercício disse ainda que está confiante de que as forças de segurança nacionais estão preparadas para evitar possíveis ataques terroristas e reforçou a crença de que os Jogos Olímpicos serão um sucesso. "Antes dos jogos mundiais (Copa do Mundo), também havia a mesma preocupação, e foi um sucesso. Espero que na Olimpíada aconteça o mesmo", disse.

    Forças Armadas assumem segurança de atletas olímpicos em Manaus

    As Forças Armadas foram autorizadas hoje (30) pelo presidente da interino, Michel Temer, a assumirem a segurança do Hotel Tropical, em Manaus. As tropas da Marinha e do Exército farão a segurança das delegações que vão se hospedar no local. A capital amazonense será uma das sedes das partidas de futebol nas Olimpíadas.

    De acordo com o Ministério da Defesa, o pedido de reforço foi feito pelo governador do Amazonas, José Melo de Oliveira, que alegou o esgotamento do efetivo das polícias estaduais para atuarem na proteção dos atletas. Após a decisão de Temer, o ministro da Defesa, Raul Jungmann, pediu ao Estado-Maior das Forças Armadas o emprego de 600 militares na operação.

    De acordo com o Ministério da Defesa, 22 mil militares da Marinha, do Exército e da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) farão o patrulhamento dos locais de competições durante a Olimpíada e os Jogos Paralímpicos.

    Aktywiści LGBT Katolicy twierdzą akceptację podczas Światowego Dnia Młodzieży w Polsce

    Warszawa, 30 lipca (EFE) .- chrześcijanie gejów, biseksualistów i transseksualistów są również obecne na Światowym Dniu Młodzieży (ŚDM) w tym roku, która odbyła się w Krakowie, w Polsce, które mają "LGBT pielgrzyma schronienia" i twierdzą, że Kościół katolicki otwiera swoje podwoje dla wiernych dowolnej orientacji seksualnej.

    W mieście pełnym wiernych z całego świata, trzeba wprowadzić ulice żydowskiej dzielnicy starego miasta, aby znaleźć kawiarnia w dniach ŚDM stały się miejscem spotkań chrześcijan i katolików w szczególności LGBT.

    "Przygotowaliśmy to miejsce dla młodzieży LGBT mogą spotkać się i czują się akceptowani, aby porozmawiać o ich wiarę, ich światopoglądu, orientacji seksualnej i modlić się", powiedział Efe jeden powód dla Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Chrześcijańskiej "Wiara i Arco Iris ", Artur (dawniej Barbara) Kapturkiewicz.

    Do tej pory dziesiątki pielgrzymów przybywają i młodzi chrześcijanie, którzy starają się znaleźć akceptację i komfort w obliczu uprzedzeń Kapturkiewciz powiedział natomiast młodzież miała spotkanie, w którym podzielili się swoimi doświadczeniami na temat religii i seksualności.

    Działacz gejowski, katolicki i reżyser Brendan Fay, amerykański pochodzenia irlandzkiego, jak sam zaznacza, kilkakrotnie, uważa, że ​​nadszedł czas, aby Kościół katolicki akceptuje wierni niezależnie od ich orientacji seksualnej, i twierdzi, że podjęcie tego kroku nie będzie reprezentować koniec Kościoła, jakim go znamy, ale odrodzenie się poprawić.

    "Chcemy zdobyć otwartą Kościół do którego można wrócić", twierdził przed pamiętając, że "Ewangelia mówi przyjąć wszystkich."

    "Musimy skończyć te uprzedzenia, każdy kościół powinien otworzyć swoje drzwi i daje ciepłe powitanie dla wszystkich", powiedział.

    Fay rozpoznaje czeka na ten dzień, gdy wszystkie pary, niezależnie od orientacji, może iść do kościoła katolickiego i "otrzymują te same błogosławieństwa."

    Skojarzenie z "Wiary i Arco Iris" nie ma wsparcia ze strony Kościoła katolickiego nie jest częścią oficjalnego programu ŚDM, chociaż Kapturkiewicz zapewnienia, że ​​żadne zdarzenie "stwarzała problemy" dla LGBT schronienia.

    W rzeczywistości organizacja spotkała się z przedstawicielem miejscowej kurii spróbować przystąpić do programu ŚDM mimo odmowy, spotkanie było płynnie i przyjazny, Kapturkiewciz powiedział.

    Ostoja wyróżniało amerykański Francis Krebs, biskup Ekumenicznego Kościoła Katolickiego w Komunii, który nosił koszulkę uderzające fuksja i duży krzyż.

    Krebs mówi, że jest katolikiem, choć jego Kościół jest niezależny od Rzymu. Jest to zgromadzenie opiera się na solidarności, gdzie każdy jest przyjmowana, kobiety mogą być kapłanami i proboszczowie może poślubić.

    "Wiele osób LGBT, którzy chcą kontynuować ich życie katolickie czuć się z nami, bo nikt nie troszczy się o jego orientacji i są w pełni akceptowane. Będąc w naszym kościele jest jak lądowanie na planecie, gdzie to jest uważane za normalne być gejem, ja jestem biskupem i też jestem gejem "powiedział Krebs.

    Zarówno Kapturkiewciz jak inni działacze chrześcijańscy jasno, że nie zamierza walczyć z Kościołem katolickim, który mówi o cały czas, ale żeby LGBT także może być częścią tej wielkiej rodziny.
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    Daughter Barack Obama flees the Democratic convention to go to Lollapalooza

    Malia Obama é vista curtindo o festival Lollapalooza em Chicago, nos Estados Unidos

    Malia Obama, 18, daughter of the US president, Barack Obama, was spotted enjoying the Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, in the United States.

    I was very close to the stage watching the electronic music show Cashmere Cat, on Thursday (28). The information was published in the American site "Consequence Of Sound."

    On the same day, also, the official appointment of Hillary Clinton for the US presidency by the Democratic party, even Barack Obama.

    Several photos and videos of Malia enjoying the festival were posted on social networks. Malia, and his mother, Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States were born in Chicago, where the festival takes place. The president Barack Obama began his political career in the city.

    This is not the first time that Malia go to the festival. In 2014 she also enjoyed the Lollapalooza at Grant Park in Chicago.

    sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2016

    A história da concessionária DKW que continua na ativa


    Já pensou voltar 60 anos no tempo e acompanhar o auge do sucesso do primeiro carro fabricado no Brasil? Por incrível que pareça, isso agora é possível, mesmo sem terem inventado a máquina do tempo.
    É que, ao entrar na concessionária DKW em São Leopoldo (RS), a sensação é de voltar ao passado, entre os anos 1956 e 1967, período em que os modelos da marca alemã foram produzidos no país pela Vemag.
    Essa impressão já tomou conta dos moradores da cidade que passam pela rodovia BR-116, no trecho que liga o município à capital Porto Alegre, e deparam com uma construção de 754 metros quadrados, que exibe em sua fachada iluminada modelos de sucesso como Belcar, Vemaguet e Pracinha, além de um exemplar de competição ano 1964.

    O responsável por fazer funcionar essa "máquina do tempo" é o empresário Fernando Jaeger, que resolveu fazer uma homenagem para a marca construindo uma legítima concessionária DKW. "Para mim, foi um sonho realizado", afirma.
    A paixão pela marca começou nas pistas. Em 1985, assistindo a uma corrida em Caçapava do Sul, apaixonou-se pelo modelo.
    No ano seguinte, montou um DKW e disputou seu primeiro campeonato, ganhando o apelido de "Faísca". Em 1987 foi campeão gaúcho, fato que se repetiu por mais seis vezes na carreira que se estendeu até 1993.

    Jaeger ficou um tempo longe dos modelos, mas em 2006 adquiriu seu primeiro DKW para passeio, um Belcar 1965. "Na restauração, tive muita dificuldade em encontrar peças. Então, devido à experiência com as competições, decidi fabricá-las."
    Começou a comprar um DKW atrás do outro, chegando a 12 raridades. Com a alta demanda por suas peças, resolveu construir uma agência que, além de oferecer serviços mecânicos de confiança aos proprietários, teria um showroom da linha Vemag.
    A obra durou três anos e recebeu o nome de Dekabras em homenagem a uma oficina paulista de DKW dos anos 60. O investimento total foi de 800.000 reais e nem todos entenderam o modelo do negócio.

    "Todo mundo dizia que ele era um maluco e que eu não deveria deixá-lo ir adiante", diz a esposa, Ivanir, sua grande incentivadora. Tranquilo, o empresário afirma que não tem a intenção de lucrar.
    Não só os DKW recebem tratamento especial. A concessionária conta com uma suíte para os viajantes. "A intenção é atender as esposas dos admiradores vindos de locais distantes. Ao nos encontrarmos, não tem hora para acabar a conversa", diz Jaeger.

    A loja também possui um modelo de test-drive: um Belcar 1965 com mecânica aprimorada. "Vou com ele em todos os eventos de DKW para provar que é possível ter um carro da marca sem se preocupar em ficar no caminho." Ele é equipado com freio a disco, que permite uma condução mais confiável, principalmente ao enfrentar a estrada.
    Com quatro anos de mercado, a concessionária conta com um catálogo de peças de 272 modelos. "Estamos vendendo para o mundo todo e estou surpreso com o sucesso."
    O business plan da Dekabras talvez fosse gongado numa bancada de investidores, mas se mostra sustentável e próspero. 

    O empresário Fernando Jaeger inspirou-se em uma oficina de peças genuínas e serviço autorizado que funcionava em São Paulo durante a década de 60 para conceber o projeto de sua agência. Como homenagem, batizou-a com o mesmo nome.

    Jack Daniel's celebrates 150 years recounting her story

    Uísque Jack Daniel's

    Over the 150 years of its distillery, Jack Daniel's was present at some of the highlights of the history of the United States and the world.

    Synonymous with independence from its inception, the iconic brand is still considered a symbol of attitude and lifestyle.

    In this commemorative year, fans can collect three special editions. Created by the J. Walter Thompson agency, the kits depict, from the point of view of the brand, historical moments that Jack Daniel's was part.

    The years 1848, 1920 and 1969 are revived by Jack Daniel's with characteristic glasses of time and collectibles posters.

    "We explore three very important moments in the history of the world and Jack Daniel's distillery in those 150 years: the birth of Mr. Jack, founder of the brand, in 1848; the onset of Prohibition in the United States in 1920 and Woodstock in 1969, when the drink, still not much compared with rock'nroll, resurfaces as a symbol of change and independence, "says the manager of the brand in Brazil, Adriano Santucci cornago.

    From a design standpoint, the ECD of J. Walter Thompson, Humberto Fernandez explains that the work appealed to a varied visual language, each suited to the historical period to which he referred.

    "In this way it was possible to clarify the multifaceted profile of the brand, showing how Jack Daniel's has adapted the story and vice versa, thus making it a timeless icon," he concludes.

    The packs will be available at major retailers, emporiums of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Recife, Goiania and Curitiba, at a suggested price of R $ 139.90.

    British company bets on robots for food delivery


    Less than a week, a Just Eat the customer in the UK had their dinner delivered at home by a robot, not a human being.

    For the company based in London, the use of technology for the delivery of food is the key to growth.

    For this reason, she closed partnerships with Microsoft and Apple to integrate their service requests to the platforms Xbox and Apple TV.

    Customers will ask for increasingly Friday evening dinners by a smart TV and the delivery will be made by one of 40 autonomous drones six wheels that are being implemented across the capital, as the company moves away from its dependence on humans.

    "It will be a very cool day when a robot appear on your doorstep with dinner," said CEO David Buttress, in a telephone interview on Thursday. "This is a really interesting long-term solution to the challenge of delivering that exists around food."

    On Thursday the company increased its revenue forecast for the year of 358 million pounds to 368 million pounds ($ 484 million), an increase of 2.8 percent.

    The favorable exchange rate resulting from Brexit accounted for 3 million pounds of the total, and the number of associated restaurants grew, despite the increase in fees charged by Just Eat.

    The Just Eat was established shortly after the internet revolution and currently more than 70 percent of the requests come from mobile devices, compared to 60 percent in 2015.

    The company also installed 2,000 terminals "Orderpad" in restaurants partners to be able to offer notifications "Order on its Way" ( "Order on the way") to customers.

    Competition among providers is fierce food deliveries in London and across Europe - rivals Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Amazon are investing heavily in the sector.

    Investment in technology is reflected by the intention of the Just Eat to expand globally. Its revenue in developing markets grew 164 percent year over year - helping to mitigate any possible impact of the output of the United Kingdom of the European Union.

    A total of 36 percent of Just Eat's revenues now come in currencies other than Pound.

    The Brexit had no impact on the company, said Buttress, and may even generate a small boost if customers fail to dine out and prefer to stay at home.

    "If you get up off the British business of the current portfolio of Just Eat, we would see that our international business is actually larger than the company to which we IPO two years ago."

    The current projection for underlying earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization is 106 million pounds to 108 million pounds. The previous forecast was 102 million pounds to 104 million pounds.