quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016

US withdraw charges against police officers for death in Baltimore

Manifestantes em frente ao tribunal de Baltimore durante julgamento de policial acusado pelo homicídio de Freddie Gray, dia 23/06/2016

Baltimore - In a surprising decision, US prosecutors dropped the charges against three police officers who were still waiting for trial for being involved in the death of Freddie Gray, a black man, more than a year in the city of Baltimore, the state of Maryland.

Thus, the case ends without any judgment.

Agents Caesar Goodson, Edward M. Nero and Lieutenant Brian Rice were acquitted of all charges, while the trial of William G. Porter, who is black, was declared void in December last year.

Prosecutors revealed the opposite decision to the trial court director Garrett Miller, who had been accused of having submitted the young black to the practice known as the "cowboy ride" in which detainees are transferred without a seat belt in the metal cell of vehicle amid strong face and hard braking, to get hurt.

The trip lasted about 40 minutes. Freddie Gray died on April 19, 2015, after a week in a coma for serious injuries. He had been detained for allegedly illegally possessing a knife.

In September last year, the city of Baltimore has agreed to a civil settlement of $ 6.4 million with the Gray family. Source: Dow Jones Newswires.

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