sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015

"Thanks for making me feel so old," jokes Queen Elizabeth 2nd with Canadian prime minister

Rainha fez piada em resposta a discurso do premiê canadense

The 2nd Queen Elizabeth tore laughter during an official dinner with community leaders of British Nations to make a joke about his age with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In his speech, Trudeau said the recent Canadian history could be told with Queen stories, 89. The prime minister listed several of them, including several trips monarch to the country and the fact that it is the 12th Canadian prime minister during the reign of Elizabeth, and his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the fourth.

It was then the turn of the Queen speech: "Thank you, prime minister of Canada, for making me feel so old," joked Elizabeth, in a brief speech at the dinner, held in Malta. The reaction generated laughter.

The sentence was announced on the official Twitter profile of the monarchy and had been shared more than 1,200 times and received 1,900 --geralmente tanned, official messages are shared only a few dozen times.

Trudeau, 43, replied, also on Twitter: "On the contrary, the lady is forever young." Elizabeth 2nd is the oldest monarch in British history and reigning any longer.

It is believed that this is the last appearance of the queen in community meetings of British Nations, since it should not make long trips in the coming years.

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