sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Meet the British preparing for the end of the world

Stanford prepara sua canoa para mais um treino de escape

'Preppers', who distrust the government and believe in disasters, train and flight routines to inspire market

Next to a canal in a rural area of British Bedfordshire County, Peter Stanford - who says he works as a motivational therapist - is filling your inflatable canoe.

It is the means of transport chosen by Sanford to escape from what he calls "apocalyptic situation." Of a financial crisis to a repetition of the violent riots in the streets of London in 2011.

"I will not live tense waiting this tragedy," he explains.

flag controversy

Stanford wait for sunset to train an escape from routine. At night, he said, it would be easier to escape, especially not to be seen by other people who might want to steal your stuff. Have you bought to a second canoe to his son and his ex-wife also escaping.
"We have strategies and even a place to meet," says Stanford.

His decision to become a prepper (individual who is preparing for a major catastrophe) was taken 20 years ago, after talks with military friends who had served in parts of the world 
destroyed by war.

A rede de canais britânica é vista por Sanford como ideal para se locomover

Militarism is a recurring theme in prepper speech. Also, in Bedfordshire, Lincoln Miles has on his farm what it says is the first shop specialized for the "tribe" in Europe. It sells everything from crossbows to clothing that supposedly protect the user from the effects of a nuclear attack.

"I opened the store to meet demand (for this type of product)," said Miles.

It is difficult to know how many preppers there in the UK. Most keep their activities secret. But the internet is full of discussion groups on the subject and that includes detailed guides on preparations and arrangements.

The Miles store offers various types of knives - but the possession of knives or blades is controlled in the UK, which could put many preppers in trouble with the police. But particularly contentious item in the store is the Confederate flag used by Southern troops in the American Civil War. It is a symbol associated with racism and the last American slave, but for the farmer is appropriate to symbolize the cause of preparing for the apocalypse.

"It is a symbol of freedom and government detachment. From how you can only rely on but yourself, no one else," explains Miles, who also has the Confederate flag tattooed on his arm.

The prepper movement is stronger in the United States, and based on self-sustainability and freedom of ideas. Something that Miles is identified.

A loja do fazendeiro Miles vende balestras

"There are devices that prevent the government from tracking them. It is a fact that the government is tracking our communications."

The idea of "every man for himself" is recurrent in the world of preppers, they seem much more concerned with individual survival that the community as a whole.

In the forests of Hertfordshire, Michael Sanderson, known as Roach, shows his adapted car, which includes a tent on the roof, big enough to house a family, plus a kitchen attached he is frying sausages.

"It's a matter of living simply. I do not want the world to end and that bad things happen to good people. But I can not control the world," says Roach.

He is a former military man who spent most of his career working as a paramedic. He says he saw things that many would not want to testify. The experiences the "pushed" to the world prepper.

"I'm not paranoid We are preparing for all:. What would happen if you lost your job tomorrow you would have food and enough money to take care of your family?"

Miles minimiza o uso da bandeira confederada americana

The Roach nickname comes from his YouTube channel, in which shares examples of its preparations with preppers others around the world. He believes that anyone who does not prepare for disasters is naive.

"When people say they do not believe that I am a prepper, I reply: 'I can not believe you're not' We underestimated how fast things can deteriorate.".

Roach admits that some of their practices may be exaggerated in the eyes of many, but argues that many people are unaware prepper.

"If you put money in the bank for an emergency, you are prepper. If you decide it prepares for the future, it is prepping"

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