sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

The History of the Hot Dog and the American tradition

The history of the Hot Dog and the American tradition
July 4, 2013 / by Peter Frade / in History of Gastronomy
The history of the Hot Dog and the American tradition
One of the most popular foods and consumed in the world, so if you're not first, is the hot dog (hot dog or in Brazil). Product world worship only in the United States are annually consume about 2 billion sandwiches, of which 150 million are only on the 4th of July, Independence Day. It is the favorite food of the majority of the population, mainly because it is tasty, cheap, and easy to prepare.

The history of hot dog (original name), is without doubt one of the most curious and interesting, but we must first talk about its main ingredient. Prepare sausages is one of the oldest ways of working with processed food, in this case the meat. The traditional German sausage was created in the city of Frankfurt, but some dispute saying that creation is a German butcher, who lived in Coburg in Germany, called Joahann Georghehner, and only some time later he traveled to Frankfurt and promoted the product.

What is known about the creation of the hot dog, it is that it was an American invention by a German immigrant. There are two vesões, the first account that one of them began selling in the Bowery in New York sausages along with a "thousand roll", a long roll and milk in composition, and sauerkraut, which accompanies today. The other story tells that in 1871, a German butcher named Charles Feltman opened in Corney Island (NY neighborhood), the first hot dog stand, and also sold in a milk bread.

The name "hot dog" always aroused attention on people, because it is inevitable to imagine the letter. German immigrants brought to the US not only the sausage, but also breed dogs 'dachshund', also known as "dachshund". The name then came, because the dog has a long, thin body, similar to sausage shape.



Easy to eat and cheap, the habit of eating hot dog was developing. Worldwide, the hot dog is done in various ways according to the region. In NY, the sausage can come grilled or cooked in water, and the tradiconal hot dog leads sauerkraut, mustard and ketchup, and is part of everyday life of citizens, even for being a symbol of the country. In Brazil, it is possible to find from the most simple and traditional, even those with mashed potatoes and mincemeat.

* Every year on July 4 in New York, takes place the most important competition to see who eat more hot dogs in 10 minutes.

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