quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

Estadão: Ruralista deputy is elected president of Funai and Incra CPI

Ruralista deputy is elected president of Funai and Incra CPI
November 11, 2015 | 18h 35
Alceu Moreira says no one will act against the interests of indigenous and maroon; Commission wants to investigate the demarcation of indigenous lands and quilombo
BRASILIA - The ruralista Deputy Alceu Moreira (PMDB-RS) was elected President of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry aimed to investigate the role of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra). The Commission wants to investigate the demarcation of indigenous lands and quilombo remnants.
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Moreira also appointed ruralista Nilson Leitão (PSDB-MT) to the Rapporteur of the CPI. The rapporteur will have the help of two sub-rapporteurs, who have not yet been appointed, one for cases involving Funai and other Incra. "Everyone will be heard and no one on the committee will act against the interests of indigenous and maroon, but the investigation of allegations of fraud," promised Moreira. The next meeting of the CPI must take place on Tuesday, 17, at 14h, to elect the vice-chairs and enjoy the first applications filed by parliamentarians

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