sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2015

Johnny Depp unrecognizable !!

From time to time, the actor Johnny Depp leaves aside his most successful character, funny rogue Jack Sparrow in the franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean" and venture into more committed roles.

This is the case of "Crime Alliance" drama that embodies one of the most famous gangsters in the history of Boston, James "Whitey" Bulger, hiding his usually jovial face beneath heavy makeup, a galloping alopecia and blue lenses that give you a air cold, unforgiving.

Indeed, this physical transformation will surface when evaluating the film, but it would be a shame if exhausted there. Goes much further than that the interpretation of Depp's fearsome criminal, a real character, who is now 86 years and sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for numerous murders.

The physical posture and especially the throaty voice of the actor in this role are even more impressive than the makeup, a performance that many critics consider one of the best in all of Depp's career.

Starting from a book of reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill, Scott Cooper film script is not intended to run out a mere biopic of villain. As indicated by the Brazilian title, the focus is on clandestine alliance between Bulger and an FBI agent, his childhood friend John Connolly (Joel Edgerton).

Wanting to do well and get along in life, even by illegal means, Connolly put Bulger on the payroll of the FBI as an informant to provide information about the movements of the Italian Mafia that operated in South Boston, where both of Irish descent, They grew. Bulger, hitherto a criminal low-level, this association sees a golden opportunity to settle their larger rivals, using the FBI and corrupting Connolly with expensive gifts.

Although humanize the character, not relieved picture of his cruelty. Easygoing with their neighbors, affectionate with her mother and son, it was relentless in the conduct of its business, which include drug trafficking, extortion and murder, eventually killing enemies with his bare hands, although he had assassins in his service to the executions. The victims ended up buried under a bridge. His boldness went further, involving up to the supply of a large batch of weapons to the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

An irony in this story is the brother of Bulger, William (Benedict Cumberbatch), a senator who was not involved with their crimes, although in the long term has also been affected by this family relationship.

The duality of this situation, as well as other nuances of dubious gangster cooperation with the authorities is not, however, explored in greater depth. Similarly, no mention is made the kind of loyalty among current residents of the south of Boston, the relationship between Bulger and Connolly seems more grounded in favors and gifts that the former provides the latter. That is, pure and simple corruption.

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