quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015

New blood test can predict breast cancer by up to five years in advance


Developed in Denmark, the novelty is 80% -o precision that is longer than 75% of mammography

A major problem of mammography is that it can leave cases of breast cancer go undetected and give false positives for those who have nothing. In addition, it is only able to detect the problem when it already exists. Even though an important examination for women's health, it can be replaced gradually by more accurate and modern alternatives. The blood test developed by Danish scientists may be one of them.

The test measures all components in the blood to build a "metabolic profile" of the individual, to detect changes in the way the elements are processed in the body. All during the stage that precedes cancer. One of the researchers, Lars Ove Dragsted, explains that "The potential is that we can detect a disease like breast cancer much earlier than it is today. This is important because it is much easier to treat if the problem is caught early. In the future You will probably be possible to use similar models to predict other diseases. "

If a woman discovers cancer in stage 2, it has 93% to 100% chance of survival. In stage 3, 72%, and stage 4, the number plummets to 22%. Discovering the disease before it happened is crucial for many women do not come to having to deal with treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. How to complete the project leader, Rasmus Bro, "The method is not perfect, but it's amazing that we can predict breast cancer many years in advance."

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