terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2016



A story that leaves many doubts and uncertainties.

On May 6, 1933 on page 13 of the New York Times, appeared the death notice of Li Ching-Yuen a Chinese who survived 23 wives, left 180 children and died at the age of 256 years. This obituary is an error or exaggeration? Some researchers say that is true.

Li Ching-Yuen was a Chinese Taoist Master, herbalist and practitioner of Qigong and other meditation disciplines and martial arts. It was tactical military adviser and martial arts instructor, retired and spent much time in the Tibet mountains where followed collecting medicinal herbs as he said helped him to stay young and healthy.

In 1927 he was invited to go in Wann Hsien in Sichuan province by his close friend General Yang Sen, who was very interested in Li force and youth, despite his advanced age. The residence of the governor and caudillo was made at the age of 250 years, the only existing photograph of Li.

Mysteries of life:

As expected, not much is known about the early life of Li Ching-Yun. It is known that was born in the Chinese province of Sichuan, where he also died. Also that the age of ten was already literate and went to Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria to collect medicinal herbs. After that, your life is somewhat unknown.

Apparently, for over one hundred years, Li continued selling his own herbs, collected by it. It is also known that had the nails of his right hand very long, with more than 15 centimeters.

In 1930 Professor Wu Chung-chieh, dean of the education department at the University of Chengdu, found in the records of the Government Imperial China two congratulations Emperor Li Ching-yun in 1827 for its 150th anniversary and later to 200 years . Many consider this as irrefutable evidence of the age of the man who lived longer.

The secret of longevity:

In an article published by Time magazine on May 15, 1933 titled "Tortoise-Pigeon-Dog" (turtle dove and dog), informed himself about the incredible life of Master Li Ching Yuen and cited to answer that Li gave on the secret of his long life:

"Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk fast like a dove and sleep like a dog."

Their diet was based mainly on rice and wine of this cereal. Also consumed ginseng and a little-known plant, gotu kola (Hydrocotyl asiatica). Many scientists of the time mocked it and not devoted any attention to the subject, but a few visionaries were a little beyond. Jules Lepine, French biochemist, found a powerful alkaloid rejuvenating effects on seeds of said plant.

The herbólogos know a factor of longevity has gotu kola for the brain and the endocrine glands and also plant extracts are used to treat circulation problems and skin. China is consumed in salad. The juice of the leaves used for high blood pressure; also as a tonic. A leaf poultice can be used to treat wounds and ulcers,

Skepticism about his real age:

The first reaction of many people to know the story of Li, it is doubtful that a human being can actually have reached that age. It is unlikely this will ever claim to be proven by acceptable documents without any possibility of disputes in the West.

If the ancient Chinese official records were considered indisputable, Li Ching Yun would be recognized as the person most longeva aged attested by documents, having lived more than 130 years beyond the current record documented, which belongs to the French Jeanne Louise Calment, who died in 1997 122 years and 164 days.

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