quinta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2016

American city declares state of emergency by clashes

Confronto entre policiais e protestantes em protesto após negro ser morto por policiais em Charlotte, Carolina do Norte, no dia 21/09/2016

The governor of North Carolina declared a state of emergency in Charlotte on Wednesday night, after the second night of clashes in the city, caused by the death of the black citizen Keith Lamont Scott, 43, in a police action.

"I declared a state of emergency and began efforts to send the National Guard and the Highway Patrol to help the local police in Charlotte," wrote Governor Pat McCrory on Twitter.

"We can not tolerate violence. We can not tolerate the destruction of property and will not tolerate attacks on our police that happen this time," said the governor to CNN.

The violence exploded again on Wednesday, for the second consecutive night in the city of Charlotte, with clashes between police and protesters.

One protester was seriously injured after being hit by a shot and breathes with the help of devices after a confrontation "among civilians," said the city, according to which the police "did not open fire."

It started with a peaceful demonstration against police abuses, but that ended with violence.

Some protesters smashed windows and threw objects in other agents. The Shock Battalion police used tear gas in front of the Hotel Omni Charlotte to try to disperse hundreds of people who took to the streets in the center of this city of the southeastern United States.

The protesters are convinced that Keith Lamont Scott, killed by a police officer on Tuesday, was the victim of a blatant error.

Police said Scott was killed by Brentley Vinson agent because he refused to lower a firearm. The victim family said that the victim was carrying only a book.

"The story of the gun is a lie," he told AFP Taheshia Williams, who has a daughter studying in the same school as the sons of Scott.

"They took the book and replaced it with a gun. This man sitting here waiting every day the son got off the bus," he added.

The death of Scott, after similar acts in other American cities in the past two years, led demonstrations on Tuesday.

The protests ended with 16 police injured, according to security forces. Many civilians were also injured, according to the press.

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The Vinson agent was suspended and awaiting the results of an administrative investigation.

Scott's relatives repeated that he did not carry any weapons, but a book at the time of death.

According to his daughter, Scott Lamont waited for the child in the parking lot.

"I can guarantee that a gun was seized. I can also ensure that we do not find the book that was quoted," said the police chief of Charlotte Kerr Putney.

"In the videos you watch can not see everything that happened," he added.

Several people protested on Tuesday, following the announcement of the death, with posters with the phrase "Life of black matter" and shouting "Without justice there is no peace."

President Barack Obama called on Wednesday for the mayors of Charlotte and Tulsa, Oklahoma, where last Friday a policeman killed another african-American who was unarmed.

"Keith Lamont Scott. Terence Crutcher. Many others. This has to end," he tweeted the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made an appeal on Wednesday to "make America safe again." On Wednesday, during an event in a african-American church of Cleveland, Ohio, he asked if the police who shot Crutcher would be scared.

Racial tension increased in the United States in the last two years by a succession of abuses and acts of police violence, which ended with the death of black men, unarmed in most cases.

On Tuesday, the US court opened an investigation into the death of Crutcher, who was unarmed when he was hit on Friday by a white police officer, an episode recorded by the cameras of a car and a police helicopter.

In the recording you can see clearly that man, with several police guns pointed at him, goes to your vehicle with your hands up.

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