quarta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2016

Obama expresses concern about settlements Netanyahu

Encontro entre o presidente americano Obama e o presidente de Israel Netanyahu em Nova York, dia 21/9/2016.

New York - The US President Barack Obama said on Wednesday the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who cares about the activity in the Jewish state of the settlements in the occupied West Bank and hopes his country can continue to help achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

"It is clear that there is a great danger not only terrorism, but also outbreaks of violence," Obama said at the beginning of what will likely be his last meeting as president with Netanyahu. Obama's term ends in January.

"In fact we have concerns as well regarding activities in the settlements. And our hope is that we can continue to be an effective Israeli partner in the search for a path to peace," Obama said in the meeting held in the General Assembly of the backstage of the Organization of United Nations (UN).

Netanyahu, who has always had a stormy relationship with Obama, said he appreciates his many conversations about the challenges facing his country.

"The biggest challenge, of course, is the relentless fanaticism. The biggest opportunity is to promote peace. This is a goal which I and the people of Israel will never give up," said Netanyahu.

"We have been lucky because the commitment to these two tasks, Israel has no greater friend than the United States of America."

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