quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Church transforms life of gays in "hell", says gay priest

                                 O padre Krzysztof Charamsa e seu companheiro, Eduard
                      Father Krzysztof Charamsa and his companion, Edward

The Polish priest who is gay revealed earlier this month, the Vatican Synod eve, revealed to the BBC a copy of the resignation letter he delivered to Pope Francisco.

In the letter, Krzysztof Charamsa accuses the Catholic Church of transforming the lives of thousands of gay Catholics in a "hell".

It says although the church is hypocritical by not allowing gay priests as clergy is "full of homosexuals."

Charamsa was part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, when he made his bombshell revelation, immediately losing the job. In a news conference in a restaurant in Rome, the monsignor said he was gay and had a partner.

The Vatican said the priest's statement was "irresponsible, since it was aimed at putting media pressure on the Synod."

In addition, Charamsa was relieved of two Catholic universities who taught in Rome and suspended from priestly functions by the bishopric of Poland. With it, you can not celebrate Mass, administer the sacraments or wear the cassock.

According to the BBC, Pope Francis has not yet responded to the letter of resignation Charamsa.

This was not the first time that the Polish bitterly criticized the Catholic Church after having, as he said, "out of the closet."

In an interview with BBC Brazil, he said the church is "homophobic, full of fear and hatred." At the time, he made public his "gay liberation Manifesto," which calls for the end of discrimination against gay people by the Catholic Church.

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