sábado, 10 de outubro de 2015

How not to create racist children

your greatest fear is to have a racist son, here's what you should not do: to say that everyone is equal. Pretend that there are different skin colors, ethnic groups and religions can have the opposite effect of what you imagined. Leaves the child confused - after all, she sees that there are different colors.

And create your own superiority patterns inside that little head crowded with concepts that can not understand. So it says Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, the book Children - New Ideas on Education. "It is tempting to believe that because of our generation be so diverse, children today will grow up knowing how to deal with people of all races. But many studies show that it is mere fantasy", they say.

One of the American research in which the authors are based shows that even in modern schools, with people from various backgrounds, only 8-15% of students consider your best friend someone of another race. What, according to the authors, could be solved simply: talking early about it.

Explaining, for example, that there are other dark and light skin, but people with both colors give excellent engineers or doctors. Other research shows that 75% of parents who consider themselves white never talk about race with their children. And when they start, it may be too late: after eight years is more difficult to change prejudices.

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