quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2015

Janitor confuses work of art with dirt after-party and 'cleans' in museum

Faxineira achou que obra de arte era sujeira deixada por festa e caprichou na limpeza
Cleaning lady thinks artwork was dirt left by party and whims in cleaning

A work of art was restored after being mistaken for dirt and removed by a cleaning lady in Bolzano, in the far north of Italy.

She found that the work, called Where we dance tonight ?, it was a mess left by a party held on site the night before. The maid "cleaned" the place last Saturday and threw all the stuff out.
The work, displayed in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bolzano, is made up of cigarette butts, empty bottles and confetti.

Also known as Mouseion Bozen-Bolzano, the space remade the installation after obtaining the duo endorsement Goldschmied and Chiari, Milan artists responsible for the work.
According to its creators, the work aims to represent hedonism and political corruption experienced in the 1980s.

Humorously, the museum said "had bad luck with the new cleaning lady" and apologized to the visitors for the incident. The exhibition was reopened on Tuesday.

The project, already installed, is hedonism and corruption 1980s

                      The room was very clean after the "cleaning"

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