quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2016

Amazon Office will futuristic domes and ecological

              Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

São Paulo - These domes on the images above are not part of any science fiction movie. In fact, these greenhouses will be built in the new Amazon's office in Seattle, in the United States.

The e-commerce company wanted his employees could enjoy a little green during working hours and therefore created these giant domes with trees.

The project should be finished in 2018 and will house endangered species of flora. There will environments representing different ecosystems.

To let natural light in, the walls are made of glass and metal frames. The site will also have restaurants and cafeterias, as well as spaces with tables, chairs and sofas to work.

Part of the project will also be open to the public to join the company to its environment.

Responsible for the project, the NBBJ architectural firm has partnered with companies like Google, Samsung, Microsoft and Tencent.

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

Pedestres passam em frente à futura sede da Amazon, na região de South Lake Union em Seattle, Washington

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

Construção da nova sede da Amazon, em Seattle, nos Estados Unidos

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