segunda-feira, 31 de julho de 2017

Is this the worst case of lice? Surely this video will make you shiver.

This video shows millions of lice walking on a child's hair, which experts have described as an extreme case of lice infestation. The video, posted on YouTube, shows a mother struggling to wring a thin comb through her daughter's hair, which appears to be full of white and green bugs.

As the camera focuses on the comb, numerous lice are revealed. Dr. Alejandra Perotti, a professor at the Faculty of Biological Sciences at Reading University, identified the infestation as lice - and said she was shocked by the severity of that.

She told MailOnline: "They [infestations] are very common in the UK, Europe and Brazil, but not at this level." I work with forensic science and these types of cases are found on account of neglect of children or the elderly. "You also see this in homeless cases."

Lice, also known as pediculosis capitis, are small insects that live in human hair, which grow to the size of a sesame seed. They feed by biting the scalp and getting blood.

Females lay eggs near the roots of their hair, so they are kept warm by the scalp, and they create more lice that reproduce and multiply.


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