Some people do not actually get the famous "call from nature" so they can go to the bathroom to do the number 2 and this in fact raises big questions about what would be the ideal frequency for going to the bathroom. Some people go every day, others more than once a day to the bathroom, in the same context where others still only go three times a week. But would that frequency be normal? What would be considered appropriate?
Coloproctologist Alexandre Fonoff, coordinator of the Center for Coloproctology at Samariano Hospital, in São Paulo, Brazil, responds: a person who evacuates about three times a day or a person who evacuates at least once every three days does not need to be Worry: this is absolutely normal as long as the pace is the same for the person.
Fonoff says that the frequency with which the person evacuated in childhood, either three times a day or even once every three days, is considered normal, since it is typical of the functioning of the person's own body. Now, if you suddenly have your habit changed, worth the alert: this can mean problems and deserves special attention.
According to the specialist, the human body can store excrement for up to a week, exceeding one or two days and depending, of course, the body of each. Staying a week without using the toilet can indicate problems since the stool stored for a long time in the intestines will dry out and make the evacuation process much more painful - outside the production of excess gases, which will cause them to come out with a much more unbearable odor. Than the ordinary.
There are several harms that accompany the stool for a long time, including swelling, abdominal and back pain, rashes among many others.
So it is always important to set aside a time for this sacred moment, even if the tasks are endless: our health should always come first. [Biology Journal]
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