sábado, 29 de julho de 2017

You may not know it, but it is extremely likely that you have thalassophobia

1- Are you afraid of deep water?

Talvez você não saiba, mas é extremamente provável que você tenha talassofobia

2- Are you afraid of what might be lurking in the depths?

3- Right below you ...

4. All those things that live in the oceans ...

5-Be the giant creatures just below the surface ...

6- ... or the man-made things that are haunting the depths.

7- Have you ever wondered what is beneath you when you are swimming in the ocean, or even just in a deep lake?

8- Are you afraid of all those terrible things you did not even know existed in the deepest and darkest places of the sea?

9- Have you ever worried about being infinitely far from the continent?

10- Have you ever had this totally helpless feeling that you could lose the control you have at any moment?

11- Are you surprised by the enormity of the ocean, and all the life that comes below its surface?

12- Well, then I have news for you ...


Come on - "Talasophobia is aversion, disgust or morbid fear, irrational, disproportionate and persistent to the sea. Those who have thalassophobia tend not to want to travel on cruises or to go to the beach, because of their aversion to the sea. "

If the pictures here leave you with some kind of feeling like this, it's very likely that you also have this phobia - and I'm sorry for that (or not!).

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