quinta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2017

남한 지도자, 북한과의 '새로운 도발'과 '우발적 인'전쟁 경고

Lançamento do míssil balístico de curto alcance sul-coreano Hyunmoo II durante as manobras conjuntas dos EUA e Coreia do Sul

정균영 국가 안전 보장 회의 의장은 10 월에 북한의 추가 도발을 지적하는 민감한 정보를 국회의원에게 공개 해이 지역의 군사적 결과 가능성을 지적했다.

정 장관이 수요일에 발표 한 보고서에 따르면 북한은 10 월 10 일에 북한 노동당 창립 기념일이나 같은 달 18 일에 새로운 군사 작전이나 핵 활동을 할 수있다. 중국 공산당 제 19 차 대회가 열릴 때.

코리아 헤럴드 (Korea Herald)에 따르면 한국의 4 개국 정상들이 문재인 (Mae Jae-in) 대통령과 회의를 갖고이 보고서에 대한 우려를 표명하면서 서울의 다른 두 가지 우려 상황을 경고했다.

첫째, 미국은 심지어 북한에 대한 군사 행동을 고려하고있어 한반도에서 갈등을 일으킬 수있다. 다른 하나는 긴장감이 커지면서 한쪽 편에서 전쟁을 시작하는 실수를 점점 더 많이 허용한다는 것입니다.
문 장관은 의회의 희망에 부응하여 남한 정부가 대북 제재를 강요하는 압력을 계속해서 가하며 북한 정부에 대한 강력한 조치를 촉구했다.

문 장관은 "북한은 한 - 미 협력을 통해 압박을 받아야하지만 대화의 공간은 열려 있어야한다"고 말했다.

한편 국가 안전 보장 회의 (NSC) 의장은 한국 의원들에게 한국 정부는 러시아가 분쟁에서 러시아의 협력 증진을 모색하고 있으며 워싱턴과의 협상을 통해 2018 년 초에 새로운 군사 장비를 한국에 보내야한다고 촉구했다. 더 자세한 내용은 밝히지 않았다.

Maior partido angolano de oposição denuncia 'atos de violência pós-eleitoral'

O líder da UNITA, Isaias Samakuva

A UNITA (União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola) denunciou na quinta-feira (28) a existência de "atos de violência pós-eleitoral" contra o maior partido de oposição do país.

Segundo o comunicado da IV reunião do comité permanente da Comissão Política da UNITA, que foi realizada em 27 de setembro e onde se discutiram as eleições gerais de agosto, o partido denuncia os atos de violência contra seus membros, incluindo a execução sumária do filho de um deputado da UNITA, perpetrada em Luanda, capital do país.

"Denunciar com veemência os atos de violência pós-eleitoral contra membros da UNITA, ocorridos em Saurimo e no Monte Belo, bem como a execução sumária do filho do deputado eleito da UNITA Joaquim Nafóia [ocorrida em Luanda].

Repudiar a forma como alguns agentes da Polícia Nacional se deixam utilizar como instrumentos ao serviço de um partido, em vez de estarem ao serviço do Estado", lê-se no comunicado, citado pelo Jornal de Notícias.
Durante a reunião foi também discutida a necessidade da "total despartidarização das instituições do Estado e de “condenar a existência de uma comunicação social pública ao serviço do partido-Estado".

As eleições gerais na Angola foram realizadas no passado 23 de agosto. De acordo com dados da Comissão Nacional Eleitoral (CNE), o MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) ganhou eleições com 61,7% dos votos, contra 26,7% da UNITA e 9,46% da CASE-CE. João Lourenço, do MPLA, se tornou presidente de Angola. Entretanto, a oposição denunciou "violações à lei eleitoral”.

Washington reveals when it will completely eliminate its chemical weapons

Armas químicas

Washington plans to completely eliminate its chemical weapons by 2023, a State Department official told the editorial board.

In the department they emphasized that "the US government remains focused on eliminating the remainder of the chemical weapons in the warehouses in Pueblo [state of Colorado] and Richmond [state of Kentucky]."

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that Washington is failing to meet its commitments to eliminate chemical weapons.

On Wednesday (27), Russia eliminated the last kilo of chemical warfare agents from previously existing stocks in the country. Thus, the federal program to eliminate chemical weapons was completed before the deadline and Russia fulfilled all its commitments under the Chemical Weapons Convention, destroying about 40 tons of toxic substances.

Russia signed the treaty in 1993 and started a program to eliminate its arsenal in 1996, which allowed it to join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) a year later.

End of an era: Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy died

Fundador de Playboy Hugh Hefner posa para o retrato em Los Angeles, Califórnia

American businessman Hugh Hefner, best known as founder and editor-in-chief of the iconic men's magazine Playboy, died at his home at age 91.

The official statement from Playboy Enterprises noted that its legendary founder "passed away in peace".

Hefner marked a season with his extravagant lifestyle, always surrounded by beautiful young women despite his old age, recalls Reuters. In several interviews throughout his life, he pointed out that "staying young was everything to me."

Although at first glance, Playboy magazine shows only naked women, Reuters acknowledges that Hefner's philosophy, reflected in his life and in the famous "Playboy parties," also had a lot to do with romanticism, style and rejection of traditional morality, something that was unleashed in a whole sexual revolution of the sixties, concludes the medium.

Resultado de imagem para Fim de uma época: morreu Hugh Hefner, fundador da Playboy

Resultado de imagem para Fim de uma época: morreu Hugh Hefner, fundador da Playboy
Playboy magazine is one of the most well-known brands in the world. Its first edition came out in December of 1953, with 51 thousand copies. Nowadays the magazine is published in several languages all over the world.

Polska uruchamia pociski przeciwlotnicze podczas manewrów NATO Dragon 17

Defesa antimísseis dos EUA na Polônia

Polskie Siły Zbrojne przeprowadziły ćwiczenia w zakresie obrony powietrznej obejmujące wystrzelenie rakiet ziemia-powietrze. Uruchomienia miały miejsce w ramach dużych manewrów NATO w odpowiedzi na rzekome "rosyjskie zagrożenie", informuje RT.

Gry wojskowe w północnej Polsce miasta Ustka obejmowały eksperymentalne wystrzelenie rakiet ziemia-powietrze z systemu obrony powietrznej News SC, zmodernizowanej wersji sowieckiego samolotu S-125 Pechora, informuje RT.

Polscy żołnierze ćwiczyli także trupów zabijanych za pomocą 23-milimetrowego pistoletu przeciwlotniczego. Od 20 września rozpoczęły się manewry obrony powietrznej.

Chociaż ćwiczenia były początkowo ogłaszane jako obywatele, Polska zaprosiła do udziału kilkunastu sojuszników NATO.

Według Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, ćwiczenia Dragon 17 w Polsce obejmują 17 000 żołnierzy i 3500 jednostek sprzętu wojskowego.

W ostatnich trzech latach NATO prowadziło dziesiątki gier wojskowych w regionie, z udziałem dziesiątków tysięcy żołnierzy.

Moskwa wielokrotnie krytykowała wzmocnienie Sojuszu Atlantyckiego w pobliżu granic Rosji i nazwała działania prowokujące NATO.

한국군이 이웃 한 한국과 국경 근처에서 살해했다.

Soldados sul-coreanos participam de treinamentos de tiro, frente a um possível ataque por parte da Coreia do Norte(foto de arquivo)

한국 당국은 병사 한 명이 사망 한 사실을 조사하고 있습니다.

그 군인은 북한과의 국경 근처에서 총격 사격장 밖에서 총격을 당했다고 한국의 통신사에 따르면 보도되었다.

화요일 오후 4시 10 분 (화요일) 철원 (한국 강원도) 기지로 돌아 가던 중 일급 병사가 총알에 맞았다.

부상당한 후 즉시 병원으로 옮겨 현지 시간 오후 5시 22 분에 사망했다.

예비 조사가 끝난 후 한국 군부는 군인의 죽음은 약 400m 거리에서 발사 범위에서 발사 된 총알이 원인 일 수 있다고 주장했다.

남북한은 1950-53 년의 전쟁 이후 기술적으로 전쟁 상태에 있었고 휴전 협정과 비공식 평화 협정으로 휴전했다.

Россия создаст электромагнитные бомбы, способные парализовать оборудование противника

Lançamento do foguete

Россия создаст радиоэлектронные боеприпасы, способные вывести оборудование противника из боя радиоволнами, сказал Спутник представителю первого заместителя директора российского консорциума «Радиоэлектронные технологии» Владимира Михеева.

Ранее некоторые СМИ сообщали, что компании в российском промышленном и оборонном комплексе разработали мощную ракету «Алабуга», оснащенную мощной электромагнитной полевой боеголовкой, способную покрыть территорию 3,5 км и вытеснить все электронное оборудование из боевых врага в одно время, делая их «ломовой кучей».

Михеев объяснил, что Алабуга не является особым типом оружия: на основе этого кодекса, с 2011 по 2012 год, был завершен комплекс научных исследований, в которых определены основные направления развития радиоэлектронного оружия будущего.

«Комплексная теоретическая оценка и практическая работа проводились в лабораториях и специализированных полигонах, в ходе которых была определена номенклатура радиоэлектронного оружия и его влияние на военную технику», - сказал он.

Воздействие может меняться в зависимости от его интенсивности:

«Начиная с простого интерференционного эффекта, временного удаления боеприпасов и снаряжения от боевого врага до их полного радиоэлектронного уничтожения, то есть повреждения основных электронных компонентов, пластин, блоков и систем».

После завершения исследования все архивированные данные были заархивированы, а предмет радиоэлектронного оружия был определен как крайне секретная критическая технология, подчеркнул Михеев.

«Сегодня мы можем сказать, что все эксперименты использовались для создания электромагнитного оружия: боеприпасов, бомб и ракет с взрывными магнитными генераторами», - сказал он.

Аналогичные эксперименты осуществляются всеми мировыми державами, в частности США и Китай, заключил он.

General: China to replace Russia as 'major threat' by 2025

Inauguração da base da China em Djibuti, no leste da África, no dia 1° de agosto de 2017

A senior US military commander informed Congress that China should become the "greatest threat to the nation" by 2025 and called for increased funding of military spending to maintain "a competitive advantage over Beijing."

General Joseph Dunford, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, spoke to Congress on Tuesday about US national security and the challenges it faces.

Among issues addressed in the statement, such as Afghanistan and North Korea, Dunford said that China "probably" will become the main US opponent by 2025.

According to him, now China is focusing on "limiting our ability to project power and weaken our alliances in the Pacific."

"The aim of China's military modernization is the capabilities with the potential to diminish the major advantages of US military technology," Dunford said.

He also added that Beijing has increased military spending since 2007 by 8.5% a year. In addition, China inaugurated its first foreign military base in Djibouti last year.

Today it is North Korea which, according to him, "represents a greater threat" due to the "sense of urgency" caused by the development of Pyongyang at an accelerated pace.

As for Russia, Dunford "praised" the Russian nuclear arsenal and its electronic warfare capabilities, adding that Russia exceeds China "in terms of overall military capabilities."

Bodies without ears and teeth: Ugandan wizards sacrifice children in rain ritual

Gulu, Uganda

Ugandan healers and wizards sacrifice children in ritual rain to save themselves from the drought.

The African country is facing one of the biggest droughts of the last 50 years; famine affects more than 1.5 million people, writes the Religion News Service. Many of the local people believe that spirits take the rain with them.

In September alone, law enforcement agencies arrested 44 people suspected of having committed ritual killings. One of the detainees confirmed that he had killed eight children.

In 2015, the remains of seven children and six adults were found in 2016 - seven children and two adults. The bodies found had no ears, teeth, lips and genitals.

Police believe there are far more victims for rituals, bodies have not been found yet.

After threatened, 4.7 million North Koreans express readiness to deal with US

Estudantes norte-coreanos durante as protestas contra os EUA

About 4.7 million North Korean students and workers have volunteered to join the military since Kim Jong-un threatened reprisals last week.

Over the past six days, millions of young people, including 1.2 million women volunteers, have decided to enlist in the military to protect their country from the US threat, according to the Korean Workers Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun.

On September 22, Kim Jong-un took "top-level" response measures against US President Donald Trump who threatened to "completely destroy North Korea" should they be forced to defend their allies and themselves.

The situation on the Korean peninsula has worsened due to recent launches of Pyongyang missiles and nuclear tests, all conducted in disagreement with UN Security Council resolutions.

The latest test was conducted on September 15, when North Korea launched a ballistic missile that flew over Japan before landing in the Pacific Ocean about 20 minutes after launch.

California prepares for North Korean nuclear strike

Líder da Coreia do Norte, Kim Jong-un durante o lançamento do míssil Hwasong-12 efetuado em 16 de setembro de 2017

Assessing a North Korean nuclear strike as "very likely" the California authorities issued a document with instructions for a "catastrophic" attack, the Independent said.

Considering the threat from the North Korean authorities, the Joint Regional Intelligence Center of Los Angeles released a 16-page document called "Expectations in the Case of a Nuclear Attack," dated August 16, reports the Independent.

Most of the information included in this document is devoted to the effects of a nuclear explosion, including the effects of radiation and electromagnetic pulse.

In addition, the document attempts to alert the authorities to what they may face in the event of an attack.

Thus, citizens will have to be evacuated, but "with a limited understanding of the radiation risks, they will be high in anxiety and their behavior may not be in compliance with expectations."

Tensions around North Korea's nuclear and ballistic programs are increasing. Washington and Pyongyang continue to trade mutual threats.

On Saturday, US strategic bombers flew over airspace near North Korea in a show of force, escalating the situation further.

segunda-feira, 18 de setembro de 2017

Scientists decipher letter 'written by the devil' in the seventeenth century


Italian researchers at the Ludum Museum in Sicily were able to decipher the letter written by a seventeenth-century Italian nun at a time when she was possessed by the devil. They deciphered the letter with the aid of an algorithm found in the hidden Web (Internet zone that is not indexed by standard search engines).

What does the letter say?

The message was a mystery to scientists for many centuries. The letter was written in a mixture of alphabets and the researchers introduced in the software "Ancient Greek, Arabic, Runic alphabet and Latin to decipher it," reads La Stampa newspaper.

"We have heard of 'software' that should be used by intelligence services to decipher codes," says Daniele Abate, leader of Ludum's research team. The content of the letter was introduced in the software, explained the scientists.

The letter describes God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as "dead weights." "God thinks he can free mortals," says the letter written by the "devil," which ends with "God was invented by man" and that "this system works for no one."

"Perhaps now the River Styx exists," wrote the devil's nun, referring to the River Styx which, according to Greek mythology, separates the earth from the dead world, Hades.

But who wrote the letter?

The letter was written by Isabella Tomasi, born in 1645 and renamed as sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione after her entry into the Sicilian convent of Palma di Montechiaro.

According to the story, one morning in 1676, the nun awoke with her face full of ink and the letter written in front of her. She told her sisters that it was the devil who told her to write the letter.

Scientists have warned that the incongruent message is not complete, reinforcing the theory that the nun "suffered from schizophrenia," and it may have been she who wrote the letter without the "help" of the devil.

Trump shares scandalous VIDEO on how to 'hit' Hillary Clinton with golf ball

Donald Trump joga golfe na Califórnia (foto de arquivo)

US President Donald Trump shared Twitter on his GIF by striking a golf ball that hit the former presidential candidate and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she was boarding a plane.

The publication titled "The Amazing Golf of Donald Trump" is accompanied by the hashtag #CrookedHillary - "Dishonest Hillary" in Portuguese - and has already accumulated more than 63,000 tanned. Nevertheless, most users criticized the montage, calling it improper and stupid.

"Another clear example of what the 45th president will be in history as the worst and the most infamous," said Kerri.

"I can not believe I'm not just allowing these things, but even making them public. I'm so ashamed," Cindy Stockton said.

The video posted by the US president combines a video of Trump playing golf with recorded footage in 2011 when Hillary Clinton stumbled upon entering her official plane.

Політика: Україна хоче "югославський варіант" у Донбасі

O vice-chefe da missão da OSCE na Ucrânia, Alexander Hug, visita a área bombardeada em Yasinovataya

Київ та Вашингтон виступили проти пропозиції Росії встановити миротворців ООН на контактній лінії Донбасу, підтримуючи їх переміщення по всьому регіону. В інтерв'ю російській радіостанції політик Вадим Колесніченко пояснює, чому ця ідея взагалі не хороша.

У своїх заявах США і Україна відхилили пропозицію Росії встановити миротворців ООН на контактній лінії Донбасу.

Миротворці на Сході України повинні мати широкий мандат, а також бути встановленими на російсько-українському кордоні, заявив держсекретар США Хізер Науерт.

За її словами, Вашингтон вважає такий захід захистом українських громадян.

На початку вересня російський президент Володимир Путін заявив, що підтримує ідею направлення миротворців в Україну для захисту спостерігачів ОБСЄ. Він додав, що згадана установка повинна обмежуватися лінією зв'язку.

Москва виклав свої пропозиції в проекті резолюції про ситуацію для розгляду Радою Безпеки ООН.

Київ вважає, що миротворці повинні бути встановлені на всій території Донбасу, включаючи російсько-український кордон. Українська влада відмовилася обговорити це питання з самопроголошеними республіками Донецька та Луганська. Президент України Петро Порошенко поклявся підняти питання про витіснення миротворців у Генеральну Асамблею ООН.
Президент Міжнародної ради російських співвітчизників Вадим Колесніченко в інтерв'ю російській службі Радіо "Супутник" висловив думку, що Київ намагається всіляко запобігти виконанню Мінських угод.

"Україна не хоче впроваджувати Мінські угоди, які починаються з головного: вибори на цій території відповідно до закону, яке було узгоджено з громадянами РПД та РПЛ", - зазначив Вадим Колестіченко.

Для нього Київ шукає іншого місця для цього регіону.

"Україна хоче провести югославський сценарій, згідно з яким війська ООН будуть залишатися на російсько-українському кордоні ... Але варіант, запропонований [Росії] дає шанс повернутися до ідеї федералізації, особливо з сьогоднішнього дня Західна Україна підтримує цю ідею, яка вже давно в повітрі ", - підсумував Вадим Колесніченко.

The 4 biggest failures of the CIA in the fight against Soviet Union

Logo da CIA

The fight against the "Soviet threat" was the main target of the US Central Intelligence Agency, better known as the CIA, established in September 1947. The CIA, however, made many mistakes in its activities in connection with the Soviet Union.

Political observer Vladimir Ardaev, Sputnik columnist, listed the failures of US intelligence in the struggle against the Soviet Union.
Wrong forecast on nuclear weapons

The first and most frustrating failure for American spies was their attempt to predict when the Soviet Union would be able to develop its nuclear weapons. The CIA made a huge report based on the data of its spies.

"Possibly the Soviet Union's ability to develop weapons based on atomic energy will be limited by its ability to create the nuclear bomb up to the stage of production between 1950 and 1953. In this way, serial production and storage of such bombs may beginning in 1956, "reads the report.

"The report with these findings was released on August 24, 1949, five days before the first nuclear test of the Soviet Union," the official CIA website said.
Afghan Failure

The sending of Soviet troops to Afghanistan took the administration of US President Jimmy Carter by surprise. According to CIA data, the Soviet authorities would not have the courage to do so. However, the US was wrong. The first Soviet forces entered Afghanistan on December 24, 1979 and stayed there for nine years.

According to former CIA official Douglas MacEachin, at that time in the agency was popular the sad joke that the CIA's predictions were right, the Soviets made a mistake.

Double agent, but from which country?

In CIA history there are many examples of mistakes in choosing your agents. The most famous example is the spy Aldrich Ames. Being head of the counter-espionage division and after the Soviet division, he was recruited by the KGB (State Security Committee of the Soviet Union). This was part of the CIA plan, which planned to use it as a double agent. However, the American intelligence did not take into account some of its agent's vices - alcohol and women - and so the agent was always compromised.

The KGB benefited from these addictions. The Soviet secret services offered him $ 50,000 and then they paid him more and more. He began to supply the CIA with not very important information, while Soviet intelligence received real secrets and intelligence. In 1994 Ames was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States.

Collapse of the Soviet Union: another prediction that failed

Although the main target of the CIA was the Soviet Union, the CIA could not predict its collapse. The rapid growth of the Soviet economy in the 1950s and 1960s challenged Washington politicians. The successes of the Soviet Union in science and technology outweighed US inventions.

In the 1970s the situation changed significantly, but the CIA in its reports continued to overstate Soviet potential. Until 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the CIA continued to insist on the stability of the Soviet Union.

In May 1992, former CIA director Robert Michael Gates in his address to members of the Foreign Policy Association in New York said that in relation to the collapse of the Soviet Union, analysts at the agency "had underestimated that possibility ". It was such a serious failure that Congress raised the issue of "total reorganization of the agency."

Россия не позволяет США экспериментировать с Северной Кореей

Resultado de imagem para Rússia não permite que os EUA façam experimentos com a Coreia do Norte

«Позиция США более удобна в этом смысле: они находятся на важном расстоянии, и они могут позволить себе роскошь экспериментировать, извините меня. Вместо этого, как страна, которая разделяет границу с Северной Кореей, мы не можем допустить, чтобы США или другие страны поддерживали радикальное отношение к таким экспериментам с Северной Кореей », - сказал Косачев.

Российский сенатор подчеркнул, что Пхеньян сделает все возможное, чтобы защитить себя от внешнего вмешательства.

«Пока эта угроза существует, Северная Корея будет и впредь осуществлять свою ядерную программу с сожалением», - добавил он.

«Нет сомнений в том, что режим Северной Кореи в случае военной операции будет использовать имеющиеся возможности, мы не полностью знаем, что у него есть, но, безусловно, есть некоторые, и все это будет иметь очень печальный конец не только для региона, но и для всего мира, в том числе и для США », - пояснил российский сенатор.
Он прокомментировал недавние заявления госсекретаря США Рекса Тиллерсона и посла США в ООН Никки Хейли, который упомянул о военном решении Северной Кореи 17 сентября.

В интервью американскому телеканалу CNN Хейли сказал, что существует большое количество военных оппонентов против Пхеньяна, если дипломатия терпит неудачу.

Тиллерсон, выступая с CBS, также сказал, что военное решение будет единственным шансом, если дипломатические усилия не вступят в силу.

China says ready to help North Korea

Bandeira da China (foto de arquivo)

On September 18, Kong Quan, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said UN Security Council resolutions should not affect humanitarian aid to North Korea and that China supports closer contacts between peoples of the two Koreas.

Earlier, the representative of the South Korean National Unification Ministry, Baik Tae-hyun, had said that humanitarian aid to North Korea should be provided regardless of the political situation. According to Baik Tae-hyun, the international community holds the same view, and in South Korea, with the arrival of the new administration, nothing has changed.

"The Chinese side has paid attention to South Korea's positive statements about the readiness to provide humanitarian aid to the DPRK, and the people of the two Koreas belong to one and the same nation, China supports the closer relations between these peoples. the other parties can promote the normalization of contacts, following the principles of humanism, understanding and respect for the feelings of the two peoples, "Kong Quan told a news conference commenting on possible humanitarian aid to the neighboring country.

He also stressed that "in all UN Security Council resolutions, including 2373 which has already been adopted, it is clearly indicated that these resolutions should not have a negative influence on North Korea's humanitarian needs."

The statement from the South Korean ministry comes amid plans by the North-South Council for Cooperation and Exchange to provide $ 8 million in humanitarian aid to North Koreans through the UNICEF fund and the World Food Program.

[EXCLUSIVE] UN is not the only one to leave Haiti: Haitians also want to leave

A linguista haitiana Faradjine Alfred: Formada há quatro anos, fluente em cinco idiomas e sem emprego

As the date of return of the Brazilian contingent in Minustah approaches, the writing went to Haiti and found that they are not the only ones leaving the country.

Data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Institute for Migration Policy (MPI) show that 80% of young people with higher education diplomas plan to migrate from Haiti.

The overall rating also impresses: 60% of Haitians say they would like to migrate if they have the chance.

Historically concentrated in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Canada and the United States, Haitians begin to form communities in non-traditional countries.

In Chile there are already 18 thousand, in Brazil 67 thousand added the legal and the estimates of the undocumented. According to the former special representative of the General Secretariat and former head of the Office of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Haiti, Ricardo Seitenfus, "the Haitian land has always had a characteristic of expelling its children from the country soil since the time from independence to the recent rare moments of democracy and stability, "even serving as a justification for the beginning of Minustah.

The diplomatic rapprochement between Haiti and the mission countries - mostly Latin American - has, however, caused the new exodus to the southern part of the globe.

Bonds in the granting of stay visas offered after the January 2010 earthquake that killed more than 300,000 Haitians made South America a dream for much of the population.

"There was no periodic migration [to South America], only to neighboring islands and the USA." There is now a targeting especially to Chile and Brazil. There was a Haitian eldorado in 2012, 2013, although it became a nightmare as we entered. Brazil] in crisis, "Seitenfus told the newsroom.

The profile of the Haitian migrant

There are different groups coming out of Haiti. While those who are studying continue to pursue their studies on American or European soil, Brazil has received low education since 2014, occupying vacancies in service sectors in the Southeast and South of the country.

The Haitian Faradjine Alfred, 26, is an example. He speaks five languages ​​(French, Creole, English, Spanish, Portuguese), understands three (German, Mandarin and Italian), graduated in Linguistics from the State University of Haiti and has a master's degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Formed four years ago, she has not been able to get any formal jobs in her own country.

"We young people do not have opportunities, it is very difficult to get a decent job in Haiti," he complains. In a dead end, Faradjine has already decided: in 2018 he intends to move to Europe or the United States, although the ease with Portuguese also makes him consider Brazil even amid the political and economic crisis.

Is it the case of working on the attraction of skilled Haitian migration? Experts differ. According to Karine de Souza Silva, the coordinator of the Center for Research and Postcolonial and Postcolonial Practices applied to International Relations and International Law (Eirenè) at UFSC, there is a lack of structure for Brazilian universities to co-opt this public. Although Santa Catarina is one of the states with the highest concentration of Haitians, few are those who reach the state with a diploma.

"We continue to receive young, under-trained men who come to work and bring in the family. We have been receiving Haitian students at the university for three years, we have had 25 of them, but they graduate and most leave because there is no structure to offer courses in others If Brazil wants to receive this skilled workforce, it should also simplify the process of validating the diploma, which is expensive and time-consuming, "she says.

Already Seitenfus thinks that if he wants to contribute to the improvement of Haiti, Brazil can not undertake the "brain drain" of the country. "It is vital to create conditions in Haiti for Haitians to remain in their national territory.

Until we help build a functional state, with possibilities for employability and strong private initiative, we will see the situation worsen, "he criticizes.

Who decided to come back

The amount is still timid, but some Haitians, after graduating and with stabilized living conditions, resolve to return to the country. There are no numbers, but there are examples. This is the case of the administrator Savela Jacques Berenji, 36 years.

In spite of her parents' profession, a carpenter and a seamstress, she had access to the best Haitian schools, graduated from the Haitian Institute of Commercial Sciences, and is a master at Social Change in Peacebuilding at Future Generations University in Virginia, United States. Trained in India, Kenya and Haiti itself. Even with generous offers to work overseas, he decided to make a difference in his own country.

"We have worked in favelas, provinces, disadvantaged districts and was filled with ideology and hope, which led me to return to Haiti to put my whole soul at the service of the population and to help Haitians become autonomous ", account.

Since 2012, Savela is the director of an NGO that works with community empowerment, leadership building, and crime reduction through sports. She says she does not pretend to see big changes during her life, which is why she prepares her 12-year-old daughter Ayla Berenji to take the baton when she is older. Even at a young age, Ayla speaks 5 languages ​​fluently.

"I prepare her for a great future in Haiti.I hope she can study at a good university in France or Canada, perhaps in England.If after her studies she did not return to Haiti to bring back what she had learned, I lost money in their education, "he says.

Savela need not worry. Well articulated, the girl says she is aware of the privileges she has to attend a good private school. She does not even think about living outside Haiti. "Of course I'm going to return, I want to continue my mother's dream of improving lives in the communities."

It may be early to use the examples as a breath of a country that urgently needs skilled labor for its construction. Although there are no global figures, a survey by the Schomburg Center for Black Culture Research has indicated that 7,000 Haitians will migrate permanently to the United States this year alone.

quinta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2017

What did North Korea and the US discuss in 'secret meeting' in Switzerland?

Imagem relacionada

Representatives from North Korea and the United States held a "secret" meeting in Switzerland this week, according to information released on Thursday by the Japanese TV channel NHK.

According to the report, the meeting took place behind the scenes of the Third Conference of the States Parties to the ATT (Arms Trade Treaty), which brings together more than a hundred nations on Swiss soil this week.

The meeting put forward face-to-face Choe Kang-il, deputy director of North American Affairs in the North Korean Foreign Ministry, and Evans Revere, former deputy assistant secretary of the US State Department, according to with NHK

The Japanese broadcaster has not been able to officially unveil the reason for the meeting between the two countries, but it is "likely" that tensions between the two countries have been at the center of talks between the two countries.

The situation deteriorated further earlier this month, when Pyongyang conducted the sixth nuclear test in North Korean history, the most powerful ever recorded so far. According to the government of the country, it was a test with a hydrogen bomb.

NHK also reported that Choe was questioned shortly after the meeting by several journalists, but he remained silent and did not speak to the press.

This is not the first time reserved meetings between North Korean and US representatives have been revealed. In June, The Wall Street Journal revealed that officials from both countries have been holding secret meetings for more than a year.

US sends two more strategic bombers to 'protect' Europe

Bombardeiro estratégico dos EUA B-52H

The United States has dispatched its strategic B-52H bombers to try to ensure Europe's security "threatened" by the Zapad 2017 maneuvers, which began today (14) in Belarus.

On Thursday, the United States sent two strategic B-52H bombers capable of transporting nuclear weapons to Europe, the media said. This measure was taken due to the start of joint military exercises in Russia and Belarus Zapad 2017.

The planes traveled from Barksdale airbase (Louisiana, USA) to British base RAF Fairford, located in Gloucestershire (England, UK). At present, two strategic US bombers, one B-1B and one B-52H, stand out in Europe.

The B-52H is a long-range subsonic aircraft that has 11,000 km of flight range. The plane was developed in 1955 to transport nuclear weapons to US-made deterrence missions during the Cold War.

The strategic exercises Zapad 2017 will be held between 14 and 20 September in the territory of Belarus, as well as in three Russian polygons. According to data from the Ministry of Defense of Russia, up to 12,700 military personnel must participate in the maneuvers.

Неуязвимый для противника: российские аэрокосмические силы получают последние штурмовые самолеты

Caças Sukhoi Su-25SM Frogfoot sobrevoarão Moscou no dia 9 de maio

Российская военная авиация будет комплектоваться новыми истребителями Су-25СМ3, сообщает «Известия» со ссылкой на источник из состава Русского аэрокосмического войска.

Судебно-десантный самолет Су-25SM3 был окрещен Supergratch (Supergralha) из-за его уникальных характеристик, сообщает «Известия».

Он может достигать целей на поле боя в любое время и в любых погодных условиях. Благодаря бортовой системе обороны самолет практически неуязвим для нападений систем ПВО.

Российские вооруженные силы получат более 10 военных самолетов к концу 2017 года. Самолеты будут использоваться в Южном военном округе и четвертом пилотном учебном центре аэрокосмических сил.

Самые последние наземные атаки будут направлены на военную авиацию на Дальний Восток России.

Discovered infernal planet with sky of 'titanium'

O exoplaneta WASP-18b é parecido com o WASP-19b do grupo dos assim chamados júpiteres quentes

European astronomers have discovered a completely extraordinary exoplanet because its atmosphere has clouds hanging.

The clouds are composed of titanium oxide - most potent greenhouse gas that is able to heat its high layers to infernal temperatures.

"The presence of titanium oxide in the atmosphere of the WASP-19b affects absolutely the temperature and movement of airflows in it," said Ryan MacDonald of the University of Cambridge (UK) in an article in the journal Nature.

Much has been discovered in the study of the so-called hot Jupiters - larger, more obsolete extrasolar planets. However, the temperatures of their atmospheres are really hellish. To get a sense, it's about 725 to 2,225 degrees Celsius.

In the WASP-19b exoplanet, the current temperature exceeds 2,000 degrees, a year lasts 19 hours and the sky is made of titanium

In addition, astronomers have discovered in the heavens of these planets exotic clouds of lead, glass, and showers of precious stones.

According to the authors of the article, scientists had long suspected that such hot jupiteres, in addition to the high temperatures of their atmosphere, had an even hotter stratosphere.

According to MacDonald, one more type of exoplanet has recently been found: warmer on the outside and colder on the inside, similar to the Earth's stratosphere. Thus, scientists have launched the theory that the atmosphere of the "hot jupiter" can be heated by some extremely strong greenhouse effect.

When analyzing the chemical composition of WASP-19b, it was revealed that it is a very exotic and very hot planet, whose temperature reaches 1,726 degrees Celsius.

The analysis carried out by the team of scientists proves the ability to observe other distant planets and even to analyze their chemical composition through space telescopes installed on Earth. Another step was taken in the search for habitable planets, it is worth mentioning.

How do the US prepare for war with Russia and China?

Soldados sul-coreanos e norte-americanos durante exercícios conjuntos na cidade de Pohang, Coreia do Sul

The US is preparing for technological changes and adaptations that can be made by potential US opponents such as Russia and China, according to The National Interest.

In the midst of mounting threats, American soldiers participated in Cyber Quest special exercises training responses to attacks from their main opponents.

"We want to defend the networks and ensure operationality through the ability to detect new attacks and deal with the attacks in a fast way.This can take hours nowadays.We try to download this for a business minute," said Lieutenant- Colonel Stephen Roberts, quoted by The National Interest.

For the first time, army training has included a specified synthesis between cyber and electronic attacks because they are often intertwined.

The tactical strategies used by soldiers during drills were not revealed, but Major General John Morrison, commander of the US Cyber Center for Excellence, said the strategy was designed to leverage various technical innovations from industrial partners.

"Capabilities in the hands of soldiers allow industrial developers to immediately see the views of soldiers," added Stephen Roberts.

Given the pace of technological innovation, the only solution taken by US cybernetics specialists is to accelerate the process of technical development and use open architecture to enable the new technology to integrate rapidly with existing systems.

The United States is concerned about the military technological development of the armies of Russia and China. According to information provided by The National Interest, Russian sensors have capabilities to detect electronic signals from the radio and communication technologies used by US soldiers. China is also known for cyber attacks on US networks, the report said.

That is why US cyber modernization is geared towards securing the protection of individual networks while reaping the benefits of increased interoperability.

Meinung: Geschichte mit F-35 in Belgien zeigt, dass die USA keine Verbündeten in der NATO haben

Caça americano F-35 (centésimo voo)

Paris will den Liefervertrag für die Rafale-Kämpfer schließen, was die Ablehnung von Brüssel der US-F-35 bedeutet, der russische Analytiker Aleksandr Zhilin äußerte sich zu diesem Thema.

Frankreich hat sich geweigert, die Rafale in die belgische Ausschreibung für den Kauf von Militärflugzeugen zu setzen, um die alternden F-16, Herausforderungen berichten zu ersetzen. Der Grund dafür ist, dass die Bedingungen des Wettbewerbs für die US F-35s angepasst wurden.

Frankreich versucht angeblich, gleichzeitig eine Handelsanpassung zwischen den Regierungen abzuschließen, wonach Belgien Rafale-Kämpfer ohne öffentliche Ausschreibung erwerben würde.

Laut dem militärischen Analytiker Alexandre Vautravers in Frankreich können viele Länder, die auf F-35 vor 10 Jahren wetten, heute nicht bezahlen, denn sein Preis sollte 30 Millionen Dollar nicht überschreiten, während es jetzt kostet von $ 150 Millionen bis $ 160 Millionen.

"Die ganze Situation ist eine Tatsache: Die USA haben keine Verbündeten, aber Geiseln, Geiseln, wirtschaftliche, politische und militärische Abhängigkeit", sagte der russische Militäranalytiker Aleksandr Zhilin.

Ihm zufolge macht die USA alles möglich, um Belgien zu zwingen, die amerikanischen Kämpfer zu kaufen. Jetzt, wenn ihre Führung in Frage gestellt wird, müssen sie alles tun, um zu zeigen, dass zumindest im NATO-Raum sie der Führer sind.

Darüber hinaus, nach dem Experten, müssen die Amerikaner garantieren den Verkauf der Kämpfer, um die hohen Kosten des Projekts zu rechtfertigen.

"Jagd als Kampfeinheit ist nichts wert - es ist ein Gerät mit nichts, was sie offen" auf ihre Partner "aufzwingen und sie zwingen, es zu kaufen", sagte Aleksandr Zhilin dem russischen Dienst.

In der Tat, nach ihm, das Flugzeug ist ein kommerzielles Projekt, um das Budget Geld zu verteilen. Der Preis des Flugzeugs ist 5 mal höher als in Wirklichkeit.

Анонимные угрозы бомбы в России поступают извне и связаны с Даэшем

Polícia na Praça Vermelha em Moscou

Анонимные телефонные звонки с угрозами взрыва поступают от людей из-за рубежа, связанных с Даэшем, сообщил источник в службах безопасности Спутник.

«Оперативные поисковые операции показали, что анонимные сообщения поступают от посторонних, которые связаны с запрещенной джайхадской организацией Daesh в России и других группах», - сказал источник.

Ни одна из ссылок не подтверждена, международное расследование будет возбуждено против всех вовлеченных лиц.

«Следствию препятствует тот факт, что организаторы и исполнители преступной деятельности используют шифрование в сетях и IP-телефонии», - сказал источник, добавив, что расследование продолжается.

Департамент связи Федеральной службы безопасности России (ФСБ) еще не прокомментировал или не опроверг эту информацию.

В среду полиция эвакуировала десятки зданий в столицу России после получения нескольких анонимных телефонных звонков с угрозами взрыва. До столицы волна анонимных звонков достигла других городов России. Всего за два дня по всей стране было эвакуировано 130 000 человек из более чем 420 зданий. По предварительной информации, большинство телефонных звонков поступило из Украины.

sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2017

Believe it or not, this is planet Earth!

                                                                Snow Roller

Rare weather phenomena, in which large rolls of snow form naturally. It is formed by wind blown in the snow that goes rolling and collecting more and more snow along the path. Unlike the snowballs created by humans, these circles of snowflakes have a cylindrical shape, and are usually hollow in the center. This is because the inner layers are the first to form when the wind is blown.

                                                           Mammatus Clouds

Mammatus, mamma or mammatocumulus is a meteorological term that refers to the pattern of clouds similar to "bags". These clouds are mainly made up of ice and can extend for thousands of miles in all directions. This training can be seen from 10 minutes to an hour. This formation of clouds is associated with strong storms.

                                                                  Ice flower

This ice structure is formed in strong frost below zero, around the plants, where the plant in turn, is hotter than the ambient temperature. In a process very similar to sweating, the water of the "sweat" of the plants is frozen in fragile layers of ice.

                                                                     Ice Stalactite

This type of formation usually happens at the poles of the Earth where sea salt water freezes. The sea saltwater mixture tends to be denser on the surface, causing the frozen water above to slowly sink and create a pockmarked appearance with stalactites (formations that grow from top to bottom).

                                               Cloud Perforated, Clouds Falling Illusion

Circular or elliptical shape that can appear in Cirrocumulus or Altocumulus cloud formations. These holes arise when the temperature of the water particles are below freezing, but they have not frozen because of the lack of ice nucleation. As a chain effect, and generally circular in shape, the droplets around the ice crystals are evaporated, creating this dropping effect in the center.

                                                                           Basalt columns
Unique format. The basalt emerges cracked. We can say that this is a result of the cooled lava flows.

Ice structures formed in areas of high altitude and with low humidity, as in the glaciers of the Andes. In these formations the exposure of the solar rays are extremely strong, and they evaporate the ice without forming liquids, creating the sharp tips.

Is it possible to use a weapon underwater?

Resultado de imagem para AK 47

Yes, it is possible. The weapon can be fired as long as the dog (or hammer) is able to hit the precursor, which detonates the fuse of the ammunition.

Currently, these ammunition are sealed against water, which allows the firing to happen even if the weapon is submerged - but can only be fired once, since the equipment is compromised after the first shot (the weapon restarts if it is duly wiped after leaving the water). An AK-47 rifle, used to date by the Army, can take a few shots in a row, but the range does not exceed 4m. There are specific equipment for combat divers, such as the HK P11 weapon, which reaches a target 15 meters away - all thanks to its external ballistics, which has been stabilized to run in water.

Curiosity: To show the effect of water on a bullet, a physicist threw himself into a pool.

Dry not wet

If the gun barrel is not submerged, the firepower remains the same - since the projectile is not affected by the water pressure. With wet inside after the first shot, it is not possible to take another shot

In silence

The sound associated with shooting in submerged condition is much less noisy. This is because the sound waves have their intensity damped by the density of the water. It's as if the gun had a muffler

Bullets in sequence

Some types of weapons, such as the AK-47 rifle, allow you to shoot several shots underwater due to its mechanism, which uses compressed air and takes advantage of the recoil of the previous shot. It also has a piston that already leaves the next bullet in the correct position

Slowly, slowly

The water has a specific mass, which is approximately 800 times greater than that of air. The bullet would suffer from the drag and viscosity effects of the liquid, which reduce the velocity and lethality of the shot

CONSULTANCY  Danilo Haggstrom, product engineer at Taurus Armas, Imbel (Brazilian Armaments Industry)

PT: outra vez contra a parede

Resultado de imagem para LUla

Em nova semana de más notícias para o partido, Dilma é pela primeira vez acusada formalmente de envolvimento em esquema de corrupção. Mas especialistas adotam cautela na hora de avaliar os efeitos.

Numa semana curta, em que a expectativa era de mais dificuldades para o governo Michel Temer, acabou sobrando para o PT e os dois ex-presidentes petistas. E tudo aconteceu em apenas 24 horas.

Primeiro, a cúpula do partido foi denunciada pelo procurador-geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, por formação de organização criminosa no âmbito do inquérito do "quadrilhão", que apura desvios na Petrobras. Depois, os ex-presidentes Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff ainda foram alvos de outra denúncia por obstrução da Justiça, por causa da suas atuações na desastrosa nomeação de Lula como ministro, no início de 2016. Por fim, Antônio Palocci, veterano petista e antigo homem-forte do governo Lula, fez graves acusações contra o ex-presidente em depoimento ao juiz Sérgio Moro.

Para Dilma, as denúncias marcaram sua entrada no mundo dos problemas com a Justiça, que vêm atormentando Lula, seu padrinho político, desde o ano passado. Após a denúncia por organização criminosa, a imprensa estrangeira destacou que a ex-presidente foi, pela primeira vez, formalmente acusada de envolvimento em esquemas de corrupção.

No caso de Lula, as duas denúncias e as acusações de Palocci aconteceram logo após a conclusão de uma bem-sucedida caravana pelo Nordeste, um evento de pré-campanha da sua candidatura à Presidência em 2018.

Já para o PT, as denúncias ocorrem num momento em que a sigla vinha assumindo uma postura crítica em relação às reformas promovidas pelo governo Temer e tentava se reorganizar para as eleições de 2018.

O que muda para Dilma?

Para especialistas ,apesar da gravidade dos novos fatos, eles não devem alterar substancialmente a maneira como o PT, Lula e Dilma são encarados, ao menos no curto prazo.

"Essa imagem de um PT atrelado a acusações de corrupção já vem de longa data, desde o esquema do mensalão. A imagem do partido já se erodiu há muito tempo", afirma o analista político Gaspard Estrada, do Observatório Político da América Latina e do Caribe do Instituto de Ciências Políticas de Paris (Sciences Po).

"Já no caso de Dilma, essa impressão de que é a primeira vez que ela se vê envolvida em acusações é falsa. Embora desta vez haja um denúncia formal, não é a primeira vez que se levantam suspeitas sobre ela. O marqueteiro João Santana e a esposa, Mônica Moura, já haviam dito que Dilma participava do esquema de caixa dois do PT", diz o especialista.

Para o professor de ética Roberto Romano, da Unicamp, as acusações contra Dilma talvez façam alguma diferença na forma como ela é encarada por parte do público no exterior, especialmente quando concede entrevistas e palestras, abrindo espaço para questionamentos mais duros.

Desde o impeachment, em agosto de 2016, Dilma cultiva uma imagem de figura inocente derrubada por corruptos. Vários jornais, entre eles o New York Times e o Los Angeles Times, escreveram que a presidente era uma figura rara no meio político brasileiro por não ter sido alvo de processos por suspeita de corrupção.

Já no Brasil, as acusações devem fazer pouca diferença para o público. "A imagem dela já está desgastada desde o fim do primeiro mandato. Ela sempre foi desastrada. No Brasil, as posições já estão solidificadas. A maior parte das pessoas já desaprovava o governo dela. A militância dificilmente vai mudar sua opinião sobre o que acredita ser uma perseguição", diz Romano.

Para Estrada, a militância que encara o PT como alvo de perseguição vai entender também as novas acusações como uma prova disso. "Eles vão continuar achando que é uma caça às bruxas", diz.
Cautela com as acusações

Resultado de imagem para Dilma

Os dois especialistas também afirmam que as acusações devem ser vistas com cuidado. "É preciso ter em mente que vários delatores foram pegos mentindo ou não apresentaram provas. Basta ver os exemplos de Joesley Batista e do ex-senador Delcídio do Amaral. Então, no curto prazo, essas acusações não devem mudar muito o quadro", disse Estrada. Segundo ele, é preciso aguardar o desenrolar do processo para ver se as acusações são sólidas.  

"Essas denúncias todas, incluindo a que foi apresentada contra Temer, têm tido dificuldades para traduzir acusações em provas, há muitos indícios e convicções. Pode ser que desta vez a Procuradoria-Geral tenha algo sólido, mas é preciso ver como os processos vão se desenvolver", afirma Romano.

Além disso, Janot, que deixará o cargo na semana que vem, pode ter se sentido compelido a apresentar novas denúncias contra o PT para se livrar de insinuações de que estaria beneficiando o partido por causa das acusações contra Temer. "Talvez tenha sido uma forma de equilibrar o jogo", avalia Romano.

Nas últimas semanas, Janot vinha sendo acusado por aliados de Temer de beneficiar indiretamente o PT ao apresentar acusações criminais contra o presidente no âmbito da delação da JBS. No início de agosto, a revista IstoÉ chegou a chamá-lo de "o procurador-geral do PT". A acusação foi repetida em redes sociais de grupos de direita. Pouco depois da apresentação da primeira denúncia contra o partido, no entanto, várias dessas páginas elogiaram o procurador-geral.

Lentidão do STF

Do ponto de vista legal, as duas denúncias devem demorar para ter efeitos práticos para Lula e Dilma no curto prazo. Elas foram apresentadas ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), uma corte notoriamente lenta no julgamento de processos dessa envergadura.

No caso do mensalão, por exemplo, se passaram mais de seis anos entre a apresentação da denúncia e a conclusão do julgamento. Outros casos oriundos do esquema de corrupção na Petrobras também têm andado lentamente. Mais de dois anos depois da apresentação da primeira "lista do Janot", só cinco parlamentares se tornaram réus.

Já no caso das acusações levantadas por Palocci, o impacto deve ser maior no curto prazo e elas deverão contribuir para uma possível segunda condenação do ex-presidente por Moro. No momento, Lula e Palocci são réus em uma mesma ação por suspeita de crimes de corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro. O processo apura a compra pela Odebrecht de um terreno para o Instituto Lula e de um apartamento em São Bernardo do Campo. Ao todo, Lula já acumula uma condenação, cinco processos em que aparece como réu e duas denúncias, além de diversos inquéritos.

Ainda no caso de Palocci, o episódio marcou a primeira vez que um petista do núcleo de poder dos governos Lula e Dilma resolveu desnudar esquemas de corrupção. O PT já havia sido alvo de acusações que partiram de pessoas que tinham bastante influência no partido, como Santana e Delcídio, mas nenhuma delas tinha a estatura de Palocci e uma relação tão próxima com os ex-presidentes.

Palocci foi o idealizador da Carta ao Povo Brasileiro na bem-sucedida campanha petista de 2002 e foi ministro da Fazenda de Lula e da Casa Civil sob Dilma.

Diante de tantas acusações, o PT já traçou uma estratégia. Logo depois da primeira denúncia, a sigla soltou uma nota em que acusa a PGR de usar a denúncia para desviar o foco dos problemas da delação da empresa JBS. "Parece uma tentativa do atual procurador-geral de desviar o foco de outras investigações", afirmou o partido.

Em relação a Palocci, a defesa de Lula classificou as declarações de "contraditórias" e disse que o ex-ministro, atualmente preso, busca um acordo de delação que "exige acusações falsas e sem provas".

Hacker warnen vor der Manipulation der deutschen Wahlen

Cédula eleitoral alemã
Experten haben ernsthafte Software-Sicherheitsprobleme gefunden, die bei der Parlamentswahl vom 24. September verwendet wurden. Defizite würden verschiedene Angriffsmöglichkeiten ermöglichen.

Cybersecurity-Experten warnen vor ernsthaften Sicherheitsverletzungen in Software, die in der für den 24. September geplanten Parlamentswahl eingesetzt werden sollen. Laut einer Sicherheitsanalyse des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC), einer der einflussreichsten Hackerorganisationen in Europa, kann das Programm zur Erfassung und Bearbeitung der Ergebnisse der Klage leicht angegriffen werden, ) die Zeitung Die Zeit.

Die im Programm identifizierten Mängel, genannt PC Wahl, erlaubten die Manipulation von Wahlergebnissen auch von Orten außerhalb der Wahlkreise und deutschen Staaten, warnte den CCC.

"Die Software erfüllt keine elementaren Prinzipien der IT-Sicherheit", schließt Linus Neumann vom Chaos Computer Club ab und unterstreicht die große Anzahl von Angriffsmöglichkeiten und die Schwere der Schwachstellen.

Die Software soll die Ergebnisse der Zählungen in Wahlbezirken aufzeichnen und diese Ergebnisse in Zentren verarbeiten und übertragen.

In Deutschland gibt es keine Abstimmung über Computer. Stimmen sind auf Papier.
Englisch: www.germnews.de/archive/dn/1997/11/25.html Nach Ansicht von Fachleuten ist die Übermittlung von Stimmdaten aus Wahlbezirken an die Börse weder durch Verschlüsselung noch durch effektive Authentifizierung sicher.

Nach der Analyse des CCC konnten Hacker in der Gruppe eine infizierte Version der Software in Wahlkreise einführen. Dies liegt daran, dass nach ihnen die Zugangsdaten im Internet zu finden sind. Dieser Fehler wäre jedoch korrigiert worden.

Volker Berninger, der Softwareentwickler, hat die Vorwürfe heruntergespielt. "Im schlimmsten Fall könnte jemand Verwirrung schaffen, also würde es falsche Ergebnisse im Internet geben, aber das Papier würde immer noch die richtigen Ergebnisse zeigen, was zu Verwirrung führen würde, aber keine Bedeutung hätte", sagte er.

Hütet euch vor den Gesten, sie können etwas anderes darstellen

Sinal de 2 alemão


Dies ist das Zeichen von "zwei" in Deutschland. In England und sogar in Brasilien würde der Kellner "ein Bier" verstehen, während in China die Darstellung für "acht" ist!

Dedo indicador levantado
"Kann ich reden?"

In Brasilien, neben der Bedeutung "eins", wird es in der Schule verwendet, wenn man eine Frage vom Lehrer beantworten möchte. In Deutschland ist jedoch eine Hand oder ein Finger eine Voraussetzung, um ein Wort zu beantworten, sei es an Universitäten oder an Arbeitssitzungen. In Thailand, wenn es verwendet wird, um auf jemanden zu zeigen, ist es ein schweres Vergehen. Und in Südafrika wird es als Aggression interpretiert.

Dedos cruzados nas costas

Es ist eine Lüge!

Überqueren Sie Ihre Finger bedeutet, dass in Deutschland, Schweden, der Schweiz und Spanien, wie in Brasilien, Sie bewusst lügen. Aber in Brasilien und Kanada zeigen die gekreuzten Finger auch einen Wunsch nach Glück. In China bedeutet es "zehn".

Sinal de chifre feito com os dedos indicador e mindinho

Gehörnte Hand

Sehr häufig in der Musikszene, vor allem Metall, die "Mano Cornuta" in Spanien, bedeutet, dass der Mann von seinem Begleiter verraten wird. Darüber hinaus ist es sehr ähnlich zu Karana, eine rituelle Geste des Hinduismus und Buddhismus. Er würde die Macht haben, Dämonen zu vertreiben und Hindernisse wie Krankheit und negative Gedanken zu entfernen.

Polegar levantado


Was in Brasilien ist eine Geste der Zustimmung, für Deutsch, in der Regel ist "eins".

Es stellt sich heraus, dass man in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz anfängt, auf den Daumen zu zählen.

Während im Vereinigten Königreich, Südkorea und Südafrika die Geste auch als "Alles in Ordnung" in Ländern wie Iran und Irak verstanden wird, ist es ein Vergehen - es ist dasselbe wie für uns, den Mittelfinger zu zeigen.

Mão fechada batendo em mão aberta
Ich bin wütend

Die Handfläche mit einer geballten Faust zu klopfen, ist eine Art, Ärger in Europa und Amerika auszudrücken. Aber im Mittleren Osten kann man als eine Einladung zum Sex verstanden werden. Schon in Westafrika wird es als "zustimmen" interpretiert.

Dedo indicador encontra o polegar em sinal de zero

Sehr gut!

Was an Orten Europas bedeutet "sehr gut"! In Lateinamerika ist Griechenland, Russland oder Spanien eine obszöne Geste. In Tunesien ist es, jemanden von "Nichtigkeit" zu verfluchen.

Schon für Führungskräfte in Japan heißt das: "Lass uns über Geschäfte reden".

Gesto de pedir carona

Gib mir einen Lift?

Der Daumen nach oben und die bewegliche Hand sind typisch, in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern, von denen, die um eine Fahrt bitten. Aber wenn es auf und ab geht, wird die Bewegung obszöne und beleidigende Geste in den Ländern des Mittelmeers, Rußlands, des Mittleren Ostens und der Teile von Afrika und Australien. In der Türkei wird es als eine Einladung zu homosexuellen Praktiken verstanden.

Duas mãos fazendo figa

Viel Glück!

Der Ausdruck "Ich drücke deine Daumen für dich" in Deutschland bedeutet "Ich wünsche viel Glück!". Schon für einen Brasilianer bedeutet es "Kuh Hand" oder Habgier, während in der Türkei ist es eine ernsthafte Beleidigung der sexuellen Konnotation.

Dedos médio e indicador em sinal de paz e amor, dois ou V de vitória
Alles klar!

Die Geste, die als "Siegesignal" in Deutschland und vielen anderen Ländern in Brasilien bekannt ist, zeigt "zwei" an. Je nach den Umständen wird es als Zeichen des "Friedens" verwendet.

Und wenn es mit der Handfläche zum Körper gemacht wird, in Großbritannien, Malta und Australien zum Beispiel, ist es eine Beleidigung. In Fotografien, wenn er hinter dem Kopf gemacht wird, hat es die humorvolle Konnotation von "Kaninchenohren".

Attack hacker steals personal data of 143 million Americans


Consumer credit reporting agency Equifax said hackers exploited a weakness in the site's application to access the personal information of 143 million US customers.

"Equifax Inc. today announced a cybersecurity incident that potentially affects about 143 million US consumers," the company said in a statement on Thursday. "Criminals have exploited a vulnerability in the US site application to gain access to certain files ... the information accessed mainly includes names, social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and, in some cases, driver's license numbers."

The breach occurred earlier this year from mid-May to July, the statement said. As of Thursday, the company said it found no evidence of unauthorized activity in Equifax's major credit or commercial credit databases.

Hackers also accessed credit card numbers of about 209,000 US consumers, the statement said. The company has committed to a cyber security company immediately after discovering the breach on July 29, the statement said. The company consulted with the company to assess the incident and strengthen its databases, according to the release.

Shooting closes airport in Miami

Invólucros de munições gastos

A shootout led to the closure of a terminal at Miami International Airport in Florida.

A gunfight involving a police officer and a single suspect led to the closure of a terminal at Miami International Airport in Florida, the airport official said late on Thursday.

"Situation under control: Terminal J is temporarily closed," the statement said.

Miami police said the shooting was the result of a security incident. They confirmed that there was no further danger to the public. An investigation was opened.

The shootings were fired after a man armed with a gun attacked a police officer inside the terminal and was shot, according to CBS Miami. The incident occurred when travelers rushed to leave the US state, which expects the catastrophic hurricane, Irma, to hit the weekend.

NASA reveals origin of lights that illuminated the Mexican sky during earthquake

Relâmpago no céu (imagem referencial)

The lights, which lit up Mexico City's sky during the earthquake that struck September 7, are a natural phenomenon caused by the electromagnetic charge generated by rocks, NASA scientist Friedemann Freund told the Mexican newspaper El Universal.

The severe earthquake measuring 8.4 magnitude shook Mexico, the country's Federal Civil Protection Unit said.

The shock of the tectonic plates produced earthquakes, but when "the stress level (among the rocks) is high, electronic loads arise that momentarily transform an insulating stone into a semiconductor," Freund noted.

Semiconductors are materials with level of electrical conductivity, between some metal and an insulator, and are used to make transistors.

Thus, during the earthquake, "the stones of the earth's crust grow and curve under the attack of the tectonic forces, the [electromagnetic] charges within it are released and generate a dazzling variety of phenomena that even form part of the folklore of earthquakes in regions of the world, "said Freund.