terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018

Astrophysicists suspect interstellar 'visitor' to be ET spacecraft

O asteroide Oumuamua

The interstellar asteroid Oumuamua may be part of an extraterrestrial quest for being solar-like, said astronomers Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb of the Smithsonian-Harvard Astrophysics Center.

Astrophysicists said that after the asteroid left the solar system, instead of losing speed, it ended up winning, emphasizing that there is no chance that the acceleration was caused by gases, since Oumuamua is not a comet.

If it were gas boosting the celestial body, then it would have resulted in the rotation of the asteroid, something that did not happen, say Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, who believe that solar radiation may have driven the movement of the mysterious celestial body. This energy source could be able to move it, for example, through the galaxy without needing anything other than sunlight.

In regards to the natural origin of the celestial body, which does not emit radio signals, astrophysicists think that the asteroid is a solar candle of an old spacecraft, not excluding even the chance to be an artificial object created especially by extraterrestrials .

Calculations show that the asteroid has ideal proportions to withstand the impact of space dust and acceptable mass to travel through the galaxies.

The structure looks like solar saucer spacecraft designs, which are made by Starshot and IKAROS programs, astrophysicists concluded.

Oumuamua, the first celestial body of another solar system passing through ours, aroused enthusiasm in astrophysicists for being owner of mysterious origin. It was discovered in 2017 by flying extremely high orbit. Stephen Hawking and other experts did not rule out his extraterrestrial origin.

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