domingo, 18 de novembro de 2018

Trump says it took time to get accustomed to president status

Presidente Trump fala com jornalistas na Casa Branca

US President Donald Trump said he feels comfortable living in the White House, although it took some time to get accustomed to the president's status.

You say, 'You're the President of the United States,' and I say, 'Wow.' And to get used to it, you need to of time, "Trump said in an interview with Fox News.

In addition, he praised the famous Oval Office, which is now his office. According to Trump, there is nothing like that in the world.

The president works on a wooden table that was made in 1880 and has since barely survived the White House. The product was a gift from Queen Victoria for President Rutherford Heys. She was removed from the White House only once: after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the table was part of a temporarily itinerant exhibition dedicated to him, and after a time was placed in a museum. However, in 1977, the table took its place back in the Oval Office.

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